Saturday Open Thread [10.22.11]

Filed in National by on October 22, 2011

The DCCC outraised the RNCC 2 to 1. The DCCC pulled in $6.64 million, while the NRCC brought in just $3.8 million.

Rasmussen is a Republican poll, so I normally discount it. But it is relevant when polling only Republicans, because, you figure a Republican poll will know how to poll Republicans. Well, Rasmussen polled Iowa Republicans and found Cain 28%, Romney 21% and Paul 10%. Of the committed party activists who are certain to vote: Cain 30%, Romney 22%. But this was all before Cain announced he was pro-choice, so we will see if that changes.

Self driving cars are here:

Thrun and his Google colleagues, including co-founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin, are convinced that smarter vehicles could help make transportation safer and more efficient: Cars would drive closer to each other, making better use of the 80 percent to 90 percent of empty space on roads, and also form speedy convoys on freeways. They would react faster than humans to avoid accidents, potentially saving thousands of lives. Making vehicles smarter will require lots of computing power and data, and that’s why it makes sense for Google to back the project, Thrun said in his keynote

A new AP-GfK poll finds that President Obama leads all potential challengers: Obama 48, Romney 45; Obama 49, Cain 43; and Obama 51 Perry 42. Romney leads Cain in the primary 30% to 26%.

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  1. Republican David says:

    There you go spreading another myth. Cain is pro-life. The question was limited to rape. If it is now the pro-choice position to ban abortion except for rape and life of the mother. I say alleluia. I will take that deal tomorrow. He did clarify the next day that it should not be legal in those situations but it shouldn’t be enforced. It seems sort of incoherent but by some counts you are only talking about 1 in 500 abortions.

  2. I wonder when Cain’s gaffes and general confusion is going to show up in polling. Have the conservatives really settled on Cain as the not-Romney?

    BTW, I saw on twitter that Christine O’Donnell is supporting Romney.

  3. cassandra m says:

    O’Donnell gives $250 to Romney because the teajadis are not giving him a fair shake.

    A prize to the first person to sight one of the local teajadis wax rhapsodic about Christine being a good VP nominee.

  4. Rusty Dils says:

    Cassandra, Christine is not a good vp candidate. But lets go back to another thread. I told you that hiring a cab company to transport you, was the same as Mitt Romney hiring a landscape company to work on his lawn. You said it is not the same thing. Please enlighten me.

    P.S. I just started formuly volunteering for the Romney Campaign. 7 days ago, last Saturday, I made about 200 calls in Iowa, on behalf of the Romney Campaign. I would estimate the results as 45-50% for Romney, 20% for Cain, 15% for New Gingright, 2 people for Rick Perry, and 1 voter for Michelle Bachman. How does that sit with all of your guys and gals dumb ass arguments.

  5. Rusty Dils says:

    I watched on Netflix the other night a great show, I think called black and white night. It was a 1988 production of Roy Orbison singing all of his hits. He had a bunch of stars doing all the back ups, Bruce Springsteen, Bonnie Rate, T bone Burnet, Elvis Costello, and many more. I have known for a while that Romeny is going to be the GOP nominee, (don’t ask me how, I just know). But I have not been able to figure out his VP until recently. I think it came to me after I watched the Roy Orbison Special. Romney/Christie, and the song for the Obama administration is
    “It’s Over”

  6. Socialistic ben says:

    Rusty, you know Romney is going to be the nominee because the GOP establishment wont risk it with any of the other whack jobs and voters be damned. It’s “his turn”. The sad part is, the people who whine and complain about Romney will magically think he is the second coming of Reagan (liberal) and do as they are told.

  7. puck says:

    Rahm Emmanuel takes another shot at effing retards, takes out Occupy Chicago including medical tent.

  8. Dana says:

    Ben wrote:

    Rusty, you know Romney is going to be the nominee because the GOP establishment wont risk it with any of the other whack jobs and voters be damned. It’s “his turn”.

    Well, that kind of depends on Mr Romney actually winning the votes to become the nominee.

  9. cassandra m says:


    And their movie would be Abbott and Costello Go to the White House.

  10. puck says:

    I can’t wait for Mitt Romney to run on the GOP platform of eliminating taxes for Mitt Romney.

  11. socialistic ben says:

    Dana, as im sure you know, the nominee isnt directly elected by popular vote. The primary votes are merely referendums and it is up to the national party and the delegates to actually choose the nominee. I also have no doubts that as soon as Romney “wins” his first primary, the News Media will declare him the nominee, the GOP establishment will follow suit and everyone else will drop out. Because if you primary is after feb 2nd, your vote doesnt count. Face it, you dont have a choice, you never HAD a choice, you never will have a choice. Powerful men make your decisions for you.