Sunday Open Thread [10.23.11]

Filed in National by on October 23, 2011

This is awesome.

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  1. socialistic ben says:

    nice to see Black Rock City getting some love here. (this was a particularly fun year) Anyone here interrested in changing their outlook on “hippies” should check out the 10 Principles of Burningman. Id point out that the Leave No Trace aspect seems to be being picked up by OWS.

  2. anon says:

    Christine O’Donnell, former 2010 Republican Senate candidate and Tea Party darling, told ABC News that she donated $250 to the Mitt Romney campaign,saying that she doesn’t think Romney is “getting a fair shake” from Tea Partiers.

    “I hope the fact that I stood up to the liberal establishment within my own party gives me the bona fides among conservatives to say this,” said O’Donnell to ABC News. “I find the tone and nastiness of some of the things circulating around the internet about Romney extremely offensive.”

    Why is O’Donnell being interviewed by ABC news?

  3. from Howie Klein – a reminder of Tom Carper’s vote against cramdown:

    On Thursday, April 29, 2009, the Senate defeated, 45-51, Brad Miller’s Cramdown legislation, which had already passed the House (234-191), dooming the country to the financial and economic catastrophe we’re suffering through now. Not a single Republican voted for it– and 11 conservative Democrats crossed the aisle to vote with the GOP, including three who are up for reelection next year: Ben Nelson (NE), Jon Tester (MT), & Tom Carper (DE). Just thought I’d mention it.

    DownWithTyranny!: Remember When Senate Conservatives Tanked Cramdown Legislation?

  4. Christine’s hilarious email about her personal pres. candidates contributions is now circulating via Jud Bennett. GAG.

  5. and fave OWS story from ThinkProgress
    – Goldman Sachs Withdraws From Credit Union Fundraiser After Learning Occupy Wall Street Was Being Honored Too | Earlier this month, the Lower East Side People’s Federal Credit Union in New York City held a fundraiser to celebrate its 25th anniversary. It just so happened that this the credit union many of the protesters at Occupy Wall Street (OWS) were using to store funds — and the protest group became an honoree at the dinner. When Goldman Sachs found out that OWS would be at the dinner, it pulled out of the event, along with its $5,000 donation. Despite the threat from the mega-bank to pull its money if OWS would be honored, event organizers decided to go ahead anyway. “Their money was welcome, but not at the price of giving up what we believe in,” said Pablo DeFilippi, associate director of member development at the National Federal of Community Development Credit Unions. “We lost their $5,000, but we have our principles.”