Phillips Update

Filed in National by on November 2, 2011

Sussex County Councilman VancePhillips has undergone surgery on his fractured spine, and has limited feeling and movement in his legs, according to a statement from Sussex County spokesman Chip Guy. He apparently shattered the T12 vertebra when he crashed his ultralite aircraft in Virginia. Phillips is in fair condition and is expected to remain in the hospital for at least another week. Further rehabilitation might be necessary, but can be performed closer to home.

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  1. skippertee says:

    He’s gonna have a long re-hab to get back 100%, I wish him well.

  2. meatball says:

    I wish him well, as well, but I doubt he’ll be rehabing close to home. I know I wouldn’t. Delaware doesn’t do rehab. Milford, maybe, but not really.

  3. Joan Deaver says:

    I hope Vance comes back to council soon because I think I heard Mike Vincent tell him that we will have no hearings until Vance returns.

  4. Truth Teller says:

    Best wishes for Vance but remember that ace naval pilot McCain crashed one of these ultra lites along with 4 real air craft it’s a good thing Daddy and Pop Pop were Admirals or he would have washed out of naval air.Which would have saved him from the Hanoi Hilton experience

  5. SussexAnon says:

    It doesn’t look like Vance will be kicking any field goals anytime soon.