Spousal Rape Can’t Be Prosecuted Because… She Wears A Nightie To Bed

Filed in National by on November 6, 2011

Women just can’t win in the Republican mindset.  They are simply property of men.  It can’t be spousal rape because she wore a nightie to bed?  What the hell is she supposed to wear to bed?  A burqa?


I’m beginning to think that Republicans simply don’t believe rape exists, because, hey, if a man wants sex…

About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

Comments (13)

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  1. Dana Garrett says:

    Wow, that man is a pig.

  2. Joe Cass says:

    Who would Jesus rape?

  3. Aoine says:

    Holy Shit!! so its ok for him to have sex with his partner (we will assume its a woman) when she doesn;t want to?

    suppose she is sick, or on her period, or heavily pregnant? or is just mad at him

    bend over honey?? I’m comming at ya?? Romantic fer sure…….

    I’ll bet in his world, a virign is just a girl that can simply run faster than him, whether she’s his daughter, niece or what have you.

    He’s worse than a pig.

  4. Joe Cass says:

    Aoine, he’s a monster. Its not a new breed but an old theology.
    All demons come from the bible and the true believers.

  5. Delawarelefty says:

    Republicans just don’t like women.

  6. That seals it. I’m going to wear armor to bed.

  7. Aoine says:

    awww UI – dont do that to MR. UI….

    hes not a monster…plus isnt it kinda prickley??

  8. Aoine says:

    @Joe – right on!!

  9. I wish I could find that essay I read not long ago, something like if they treated robbery victims like rape victims. It was amusing but sobering. At one point in the essay the cops are asking the victim if he gave money to charity…

  10. MJ says:

    He’s also from Virginia, the state that gave us Jon Moseley. I wonder how many rapists he’s defended and used that defense?

  11. Yes, that was it. Thanks, anon!

  12. Women in general, even if they are wives, have the right to be respected by their husbands. Some will find ways to justify certain unacceptable acts but there is always a way around crooked reasons. Justice must prevail.