Tuesday Open Thread [11.9.11]

Filed in National by on November 8, 2011

It’s Election Day in Philadelphia, where Mayor Nutter will be reelected easily; in Ohio, where God willing the anti-worker SB 5 will be rejected soundly by he voters; in Kentucky, where Democratic Governor Beshear is expected to win in a landslide; in Mississippi, where there is a gubernatorial election to replace Haley Barbor and a vote on that evil yet stupid personhood amendment; as well as legislative races in Virginia and New Jersey. If you live in any of those places, you have no excuse not to vote.

You know what the title of Jerry Sandusky’s auto-biography is? Touched: The Jerry Sandusky Story I am not joking.

Another poll confirms what we saw yesterday in Iowa. A new JMC Enterprises poll in Iowa shows Herman Cain and Mitt Romney tied at 20% each, with Newt Gingrich at 16%. The rest of the field is at 6% or below.

The latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll shows Mitt Romney leading by 1 point nationally over Herman Cain, 28% to 27%, followed by Newt Gingrich at 13%, Ron Paul at 10% and Rick Perry at 10%. The remainder of the field received less than 5% support. In the same poll, President Obama leads Romney by six points, 49% to 43%, and tops Cain by 15 points, 53% to 38%.

Democrats in North Dakota score a recruiting coup, and the race to replace retiring Senator Kent Conrad is now a toss up to lean Democratic. Former Attorney General Heidi Heitkamp (D) has announced she will run, The Hill reports.

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  1. MJ says:

    Freudian slip? On page 8 of today’s Cape Gazette, John Atkins is identified as “Rep. John Atkins, R-Millsboro.” Hmm…………..

  2. Zafo Jones says:

    Occupy Delaware interrupted the NCCo sheriff’s sale of foreclosed homes today in Wilmington. TNJ covered the event.

    They’re also sponsoring a free screening of the documentary “Inside Job” on Wednesday (tomorrow) at 7pm at Hanover Presbyterian Church in Wilmington.

    Small steps lead to a big move, raindrops lead to a flood. Change is coming.

  3. puck says:

    Bravo, Occupy Delaware!

    Story and photo here.

  4. V says:

    Also available Sandusky’s defensive coordinator handbook “To Catch A Predator: Taking Down an Offensive Line”

  5. puck says:

    The 1% is keeping Occupy Delaware off balance and unsure about where they may assemble. So maybe it’s time to turn the tables and make the 1% unsure about when and where Occupy will show up.

    New Castle County is rich with bank branches, offices, facilities, and other highly visible chokepoints where legal assemblies may be conducted. If they only allow you to be day trippers, fine – there are dozens of potential sites that need a visit from Occupy during business hours, and at most of these sites there is already have an unquestioned right to be there during the day.

    There were only 20 overnight Occupiers according to the local press. The core group could get a good night’s sleep at someone’s house, have a nice hot breakfast, and get out to start a different occupation early each morning.

    In the other population-dense cities, the encampment itself is a visible invitation to local residents to join. I don’t think that dynamic is happening in Wilmington.

  6. socialistic ben says:

    A mobil occupation. i like it. Its a shame wilmington doest have a subway system.

  7. fightingbluehen says:

    Check out Al Jazeera English some time online. It’s making our media seem like Mickey Mouse. I don’t agree with the anti Israeli slant( which apparently Obama agrees with), but the news stories seem more relevant than the pick and choose stories of our media.

  8. pandora says:

    I check out Al Jazeera every day. You should follow them on Twitter.

  9. fightingbluehen says:

    What a Troglodyte I am. I don’t use Twitter

  10. John Manifold says:

    Personhood amendment going down? So it might appear:


    This is serious stuff, and a loss on this issue would be devastated but the early good news reminds me of Ralph Moyed’s intermittent reminder, “Never underestimate the degenerate vote,” which in Mississippi, must be a significant bloc.

  11. MJ says:

    JM – I wonder which part of the state that vote is from.

  12. MJ says:

    It also appears that despite $15 million being spent by the GOP in VA, the Dems will keep control of the state senate and will now have an openly gay state senator.

  13. Delawarelefty says:

    It appears to be a good night all around. Crazy legislation has crashed and burned through out the country. Checks and balances hopefully mantained in Virginia and Iowa. The national electorate is rejecting the bad tea.

  14. puck says:

    I suggest anyone who wants to seriously discuss the recent tax reform in Israal should continue the discussion on this open thread, as MJ wisely suggests.

    Of course the prospects of war with Iran are relevant to the tax reform. If America’s wealthy had been told they would have to pay for it, the Iraq war would likely not have happened.

  15. MJ says:

    Thanks, puck.

  16. cassandra m says:

    Occupy Dover now has a Facebook page — so go over and Like them!

  17. anonymous says:


    Fabricated IAEA report on Iran Released.

    Sarkozy to Obama: “Bibi is a liar, I can’t stand him”, Obama: “your fed up, I have to deal with him every day”.

  18. MJ says:

    Anonymous – at least cite a reputable source for your BS.

  19. cassandra_m says:

    Can we not start this BS with her? We already know there isn’t going to be a reputable source and we already know where this rabbit hole ends up.