The Big Guy is Running Again

Filed in Delaware by on November 17, 2011

Former Sussex County Recorder of Deeds John Brady has announced that he is running for Clerk of the Peace next year. Affectionately known as “The Big Guy,” Brady will be seeking the office being abandoned by homophobe George “Bad Wig” Parish. Brady switched back to the Democratic Party after the 2008 election.

Brady has served as an attorney in the General Assembly and as town counsel for Dewey Beach and Milton.

Back in 2008, I slammed John for what I perceived as some shortcomings. After the election, John and I sat down and had a good talk. Some of my criticisms were valid, some weren’t. John is now a good friend. His support crosses party lines and he’ll make a great Clerk of the Peace.

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A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

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  1. walt says:

    Well at least he likes to “switch”.

  2. KathyJ says:

    Why the party flip flops? My bigger question is why the State hasn’t taken the row offices.

  3. Delaware Dem says:

    The party switches are probably because he found out what a horrible evil bigoted organization the Republican Party is. Although I do agree, ROW offices shouldn’t be elected. The County Councils or County Executives should appoint them.

  4. KathyJ says:

    DD – I would like to see these as permanent positions that candidates apply for like any other position and hiring based on qualifications. AND therefore having to follow personnel policy like any other employee. There should be standards written for all offices in all counties and they should be the same.

    More to come on this topic in January or so.

  5. MJ says:

    Actually, I would prefer that they combined the Recorder of Deeds, Register of Wills and Clerk of the Peace into a single County Clerk position (either elected or appointed).

  6. anon says:

    I guess this means we’ll see Sussex County Councilman Sam Wilson at the polls handing out hate literature about Brady again.

    If he did it when Brady was a republican, I can’t imagine he won’t do it now that Brady is a Democrat.

  7. anon says:

    MJ – No need to even do all that. Just combine functions where it makes sense. Turn Register of Wills into an arm of the court, as it should be. Recorder of Deeds should be part of the county Planning & Zoning office. And the marriage bureau should really just be another state office, since the state handles other vital records (birth & death certificates, etc.)

  8. Aoine says:

    The Counties wont give them up because they are money makers for the counties

    I also agree they should be demolished in their current form and absorbed by the courts. planning etc – imagine how fewer debates we could listen to and how much shorter the ballot would be.

    BUT – one row office tho is Consitutional: sadly, the Sheriff

    not such a big deal in NCC and Kent – but we have had nitwits in office here since 2000 – barring the 4 years of peace when Eric Swanson ran it.

    Thats an office someone needs to get their balls up and define the role in an airtight manner, so we dont have to constantly put up with the Barney Fifes that the RWNJ support and elect.

  9. Dana Garrett says:

    I love John Brady. I once had a long conversation with him and he struck me as a brilliant man. When he ran for Insurance Commissioner I was proud to include his campaign sign in my sea of campaign signs for Democrats in my front yard.

  10. just curious says:

    John Brady is one of the most intelligent men I have ever met. Always a pleasure to talk with and most definitely will get my vote. I had a long talk with John once about why he was drawn to the dark side….had nothing to do with being evil or bigoted…I respected his decision and placed him firmly on the very short list of Democrats that I would vote for…he is a great guy

    I like the idea of a County Clerk for the Register/Recorder/Clerk positions, elected of course, along with an elected County Executive/Administrator.