This is the perfect opportunity to throw away a “message” vote. There is no way Carney is going to lose to that RWNJ freak Kovatch. Nor will he lose whatever loser that runs in place of Kovack.
Both Carney and the eventual Republican candidate will be talking about how goddam important it is to cut the deficit and reduce benefits for Senior “current medicaid recipients will not be effected” ™ and veterans, so why the fuck not vote for the Republican dumbass this time out?
When Carney has to sweat out a closer than expected 52/48 win on election night – maybe he’ll go back to Washington with a clear head.
Sign up in the comments section. Let’s get this done.
UPDATE: It is even better that it is Kovash. This way Carney will really have to pretend to be a Democrat for at least a little while during the campaign.