Sussex County Smackdown – Round 3

Filed in Delaware by on November 22, 2011

Welcome to the latest episode of the feud between Sussex County Sheriff Jeff Christopher and the County Council. In today’s installment, Christopher has been ordered to stop all of his illegal actions.

County Administrator David B. Baker has ordered the sheriff to stop those activities immediately and warned that continuing them will be treated as insubordination on the part of his deputies.

If you recall, I posted a piece about these illegal activities back on October 5. Yeah, we broke the story that the News Journal finally caught up to.

So what has the sheriff and his chief deputy, Dennis Lineweaver, been doing?

Sussex County Sheriff Jeff Christopher has ordered his deputies to round up wanted criminals and make traffic stops and has formed a volunteer “posse,” county officials say.

» Deputies have been ordered by Christopher to stop vehicles for speeding, reckless driving or DUI, and to research outstanding warrants and take wanted people into custody.

» Christopher has named a volunteer “sheriff’s posse” and appointed special deputies, who all wear uniforms.

» Deputies have participated in public meetings and events in uniform and provided security and crowd control at events.

The public meetings have been either Sussex County GOP meetings or meetings of the 9/12 “Patriots.” Yeah, nothing political there. And it was Lineweaver who pulled over the motorist I referred to in my October 5th post.

Christopher, saying he was “perplexed over why County Council was setting policy and procedures for his” office, did not deny the accusations.

He neither responded to nor disputed the specific issues raised by Baker. “I believe that there is so much more the Sheriff’s Office can do for the people here,” his statement read. “Wondering why we elect and trust a person to run the office if that person has no discretion to make these decisions.

I’m not a toy sheriff.”

Not a toy, but an elected official who is out of control. Jeff, where is the money coming from to fund this posse and these special deputies? Who’s paying for their uniforms? Who’s paying for the pre-screening drug testing and background checks?

Seeing that Sheriff Christopher has been running a rogue operation out of his office, I call on Speaker Bob Gilligan and House Majority Leader Pete Schwartzkopf to immediately begin impeachment procedures against Sheriff Jeff Christopher for violating his oath of office, violating the Delaware Code, and violating the Constitution of the State of Delaware. The people of Sussex County deserve a sheriff that understands and obeys the law.

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About the Author ()

A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

Comments (81)

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  1. fightingbluehen says:

    I’m beginning to think maybe he deserved to be kicked in the nuts.

  2. skippertee says:

    Where does he get off “volunteering” his subordinates for duties and procedures they are neither TRAINED for or PAID for?
    If I was one of his deputies I’d FRAG him.

  3. puck says:

    It sounds like a boys club, like a volunteer fire department, except without the training and expertise.

  4. Geezer says:

    To paraphrase Charles Pierce, this is your democracy, Sussex County. Cherish it.

  5. SussexAnon says:

    It would appear the sherrif is doing a lot of things outside his job description and outside of the law. But it does say in the constitution that sherrif is law enforcement for the county.

    This statement from the county is just step one in what will end up in the AGs office like it did before.

    If the sherrif and his followers really wanted to settle this, he should take it to court, the right one this time. All the way to the Delaware Supremes. But that would take money, patience, and intelligence.

    He is not a toy, he is a clown.

    Can the county council impeach him? Why does it have to go to the state?

  6. anonone says:

    I think he watched too many Lone Rangers.

  7. MJ says:

    Even the Lone Ranger followed the law.

    Only the Legislature can remove a county row officeholder from office.

  8. MJ says:

    Here’s a link to the section of the Delaware Constitution regarding impeachment –

  9. Basically Christopher is running a vigilante force. I wonder what would happen if the county (or state) ties to get convictions out of these traffic stops? Would the case be thrown out?

  10. reis says:

    I don’t think this T-bagger can be compared to the Lone Ranger. The Lone Ranger was friends with an American Indian. T-baggers want them to go back where they came from. Oh, wait, that’s right, they were here long before the T-baggers.

  11. Republican David says:

    Frankly, his actions are not illegal. Anyone can provide security and crowd control. The legislature cannot revoke the constitutional authority of the Sherrif by simple law. They can amend the Constitution if they wish–unlike any other state in the union on their own. Anyone can research warrants. Anyone could affect an arrest if someone is a fugitive–the sherrif has never been prohibited from that. Baker does not have jurisdiction of over that office. He is the one overstepping his bounds. If Council wants to reign him in, they have certain abilities, but as MJ pointed out a row office is a constitional post and only the legislature has ultimate jurisdiction.

    If it bothers them, then abolish the office over the next two years.

  12. Jason330 says:

    Only a toy sheriff would ever say, “I’m not a toy sheriff.”

    This bullshit needs to be stepped on hard by the county and state. The last thing we need is a bunch of self appointed (probably racist) nutbags with guns running around the state claiming divine right to lock people up.

  13. SussexAnon says:

    Anyone can help little old ladies walk across the street, but that isn’t in the job description of Sherrif in this county either.

    We aren’t talking about just anyone affecting an arrest. We are discussing the sherrif directing his subordinates to actively engage in this as a task. This is more than just a private citizen who happens to be sherrif wanting to research warrents and become the county version of a block captain affecting arrests.

    Lets see what happens when “anyone” pulls you over for speeding.

  14. Jason330 says:

    Where is this guy, Christopher, from? This seems to boil down to him not understanding how the term “Sheriff” is used in the Mid-Atlantic States.

  15. MJ says:

    Leave it to Delusional David to give us the teabagger line on the duties of the sheriff. David, they are not cops or law enforcement officers, they don’t even have constable certification anymore, thanks to Jeffy-pooh. What Jeff is doing is illegal and he needs to be removed from office. He swore an oath to uphold the Constitution of the US and the State – he is doing neither. And I thought all you teabaggers believed in the Constitution.

  16. V says:

    David’s right that anyone can do all those things, by setting up a private company and getting contracts and getting insurance to cover the actions of his private security officers.

    No one has asked him to do this and the insurance he operates under isn’t paid for by him. That’s one of the major reason’s Baker’s clamping down. Can you imagine if one of these incidents ends in someone getting hurt? Sussex would totally be on the hook for that. And I’ll tell you if an unmarked car tried to pull ME over in the middle of the night I wouldn’t stop for my own safety. And that would make toy deputy mad. and now you have some sort of “police” chase and Sussex is on the hook for any damage done.

  17. Geezer says:

    I think this is a wonderful example of what happens when you give any power to crackpot conservatives. Democrats all over the state should run on this, as should non-crackpot Republicans (yes, there are some).

  18. Jason330 says:

    What did Sheriff Christopher say to his belly button?

    You’re under a vest!

  19. Jason330 says:

    Q. How many Sheriff Christopher Posse members does it take to throw a Mexican down the stairs?

    A: None. He fell.

  20. puck says:

    Is he carrying some kind of insurance that is voided by performing unauthorized duties? Workers comp, disability, hospitalization, liability, auto, etc. Be careful out there, Sheriff.

  21. You folks seems to forget that Backroom Bodie (or as MJ like to call him St. Bodie Girl) presented a ‘resolution’ to the gop bunch on 9/28/11 that tried to make this already happening silliness get put in front of the County Council for a vote. But it didn’t even make it past the gop committee cause it was STOOOOOPID and violated the laws of the state. Do you folks think that my idiot brother didn’t know about what was going on? DUH. They wanted to have a morality police force and posse’s already working to that end. Keep an eye on my web site for the entire memo and Backroom Bodie’s ‘resolution’.

  22. puck says:

    “That’s very good Rex, but next time bring the posse, Rex – the posse!”

  23. skippertee says:

    I’m pretty sure every citizen has arrest powers.
    After all, that’s what I learned when watching the episode: GOMER vs. BARNEY on the Andy Griffith show.

  24. Aoine says:

    RD – “Frankly, his actions are not illegal. Anyone can provide security and crowd control”

    you are CLEARLY an idiot – (but we knew that)

    sure, anyone can – but not in the uniform of the Sussex County Sheriff, beacuse as such, that individual is representing Sussex County, those uniforms are paid for with Tax-payer dollars and if he is behind on his actual DUTIES why are 3 deputies, in uniform attending GOP meeting and 9/12 patriot meetings??

    This is done with TAX payer dollars wearing guns paid for with Tax money, driving cars paid for with TAX dollars
    would you want the Kent sheriff using your tax money to provide security for GOP meeting in Kent?? – would your voting constituancy like that use of tax dollars? HMMMMM?

    A Constitutional laywer you are not
    be aware of this as well David

    could get VERY VERY ugly

    as for SussexAnon – no where does the Constitution say “But it does say in the constitution that sherrif is law enforcement for the county”

    in fact in says only this : “conservator of the peace”,

    they lost all their power in 1676 actually – 100 years BEFORE the above quote was written

    Jeff has not a legal leg to stand on – he is a dangerous rabid dog, drunk with power and needs to have his leash jerked – HARD

  25. fightingbluehen says:

    Judges and attorneys general are also described as “conservators of the piece” in the Delaware constitution, but you don’t see them pulling people over for speeding. The guy has no argument for his actions.

  26. Jason330 says:

    I may be naive, but I think this couild all be resolved if someone could sit Jeff Christopher down and explain that the word Sheriff does not mean the same thing in Delaware that it means in Texas.

    I’d say something like, “Jeff, do you know how we say “soda” and other places say “pop” to mean a carbonated beverage. It is kinda like that with the word sheriff.”

    I think speaking to him as you would a 4 year old child could work.

  27. Geezer says:

    No, it won’t. He was just on WDEL. He’s another conservative wingnut with a half-track mind.

  28. just curious says:

    He can’t pull people over for speeding….enforcement of traffic laws is the job of the police…the Sheriff is not a police officer.

    He can, and should, be researching warrant history OF THOSE CITIZENS THEY COME INTO CONTACT WITH, and taking them into custody if they are found to have active warrants.

    The special volunteer Sheriff’s Posse….not sure that the county has any authority to stop it. But the Sheriff should make sure he has the proper legal protections in place. After all, people will sue for anything these days and some nutjob in a T-Shirt with Sussex County Sheriff’s Posse can put the Sheriff and the County in a bad spot.

    As far as the Deputies attending meetings in uniform as security. If its being done correctly, IE, like a paid job, then the 912 Patriots would be paying the County X amount for Y amount of deputies for Z amount of hours. There shouldnt be a problem with that…..I suspect though, given the response from Baker, this is not the case.

    Jeff is nearly 100% correct in his view of what the legal authority of the Sheriff is. His problem is that he has ZERO political saavy and fumbles at every turn.

  29. Jason330 says:

    I think someone needs a lesson on what 100% means. Check out the first sentence of your post and report back.

  30. SussexAnon says:

    The Delaware Constitution states that the sherrif is the Conservator of the Peace. At the time it was written it meant the sherrif was to preserve the peace of the county and arrested all persons committing riot, murder, theft, or breach of the peace and carried them before a justice of the peace.

    That was 200+ years ago and the duties and responsibilities have changed, but the Constitution has not been amended to reflect this change.

    The Attorney General is also listed as a conservator of the peace, and he arrests and charges people all the time. Are we to just ignore the second half of Section 1 while enforcing the first?

    “Section l. The Chancellor, Judges and Attorney General shall be conservators of the peace throughout the State; and the Sheriffs shall be conservators of the peace within the counties respectively in which they reside.”

    Not supporting the sherrif here, just pointing out the Constitution does state it plainly. Perhaps amending the constitution would solve this once and for all.

  31. Comrade Miscreant says:

    “…some nutjob in a T-Shirt with Sussex County Sheriff’s Posse can put the Sheriff and the County in a bad spot.”

    Wonder where I can get one of those T-shirts? I Think they’d be a great seller on the boardwalk next summer.

    Like I said before, this idiot Christopher is fucking up any chance Sussex County will ever have of getting adequate law enforcement. Beau Biden should spank his ass, just like M. Jane Brady did to Bob Reed. I wouldn’t fuck with Baker either, he used to be my attorney. I’m surprised he waited this long to move on Christopher.

    Good reporting, MJ. I would never have known about this if I relied on local news in Sussex.

  32. anon says:

    “I wouldn’t fuck with Baker either, he used to be my attorney.”

    David Baker is not, nor has he ever been, an attorney. Don’t know who you’re thinking of, Jack, but it ain’t him.

  33. Truth Teller says:

    Look Barny Fife is going to get someone or somebody hurt time to take away his bullet. If I get stopped by one of these clowns not only am i going to press charge against him for impersonating a police officer ( and I am supported in this position by a Ag’s ruling) but I will sue the county for False arrest and detainment.I thought all these Teabaggers down here in lower slower Delaware were for limited government powers.Look how quickly they become Co-Opted once elected.Reminds me of all those repuks who got elected into office with the contract for America which called for term limits and some are still in DC

  34. Comrade Miscreant says:

    You are very correct, different David Baker. I was wrong.
    Sue me, bitch.

  35. Dave says:

    Can someone tell me where they are patroling. I would like to be stopped and even arrested. I have a mortgage that I would like to pay off with my settlement from the county after I sue.

  36. Aoine says:

    @Sussexanon – “The Attorney General is also listed as a conservator of the peace, and he arrests and charges people all the time”

    when is the last time you saw a DAG arrest anyone? pull anyone over for speeding??

    last time I checked, the Police arrest, the DAG’s prosecute. the DAG’s office has investigators that investigate with police, and they can arrest.

    please also see the LONG vast history of the sheriff and their duties – they have changed since 1676, a lot

    the current duties are in keeping with our current system of government – Jeff just hasn’t gotten the idea yet

    are you suggestine that the ME be allowed to arrest people too – they are also Conservators of the peace

    or would Jeff like to do this task? In 1827, an act passed requiring sheriffs to sell those slaves that were sentenced to be exported from the state

    how ridiculous do you want to make this??

  37. Mitch Crane says:

    The term “Conservator of the Peace” is a common law term that traces back to England. It is dangerous to take the words and interpret them without understanding that, in the law, words have meanings that are determined by considering the original ( or legislative) intent and as defined by the Courts. “Conservators of the Peace” are not narrowed to only those with the authority to enforce the law through arrest powers. They are those invested with certain “aspects” of enforcement. In Delaware members of the judiciary do not have arrest powers-only the power to interpret and apply the law. Yet they are “Conservators of the Peace” The Sheriff in Delaware are Conservators of the Peace because they are invested with the legal authority to enforce certain court orders and serves them.
    The Commonwealth of Virginia also makes reference to these positions and specifcally lists who the Conservators are. In that list are NOTARY PUBLICS! They have the legal authority to verify makers of certain documents are who they say they are–a legal authority. I doubt very much a Notary Public in southern Virginia would claim arrest power because that notary is a Conservator of the Peace. But then these days, one never knows.

  38. just curious says:

    Hey Jackwagon330….I said nearly 100%…not 100%. If the only thing he’s wrong about is traffic stops..that’s close enough for me…I wasn’t trying to be exact, but to illustrate the point that most of his positions are legally correct.

    Look…the Sheriff is law enforcement, he has arrest power….but he’s not a cop. His primary job duties are to serve process, execute levies and repleving, hold sales and transport prisoners. However, he has a duty to preserve the peace. Which means, if a wanted subject is encountered, he’s obligated to bring them in. If a criminal offense is occuring in thier presence, they are obligated to act to stop the act and arrest the violator. They shouldn’t be stopping cars or worrying about speeders.

    Not sure the ME is still a conservator of the peace Aione, but I do think that the next slave that is sentenced to be exported from the state, the Sheriff should hold the sale.

  39. SussexAnon says:

    First of all Aoine, don’t be a douche. I enjoy a good fact based discussion. Being an a$$ isn’t necessary.

    The DAG has some pretty extrodinary powers. He may not be out arresting people, but he orders them to be arrested and prosecutes them. He also has powers such and granting local police departments statewide powers for periods of time as he sees fit. (Granted to him by the Delware Code).

    The long history page you link to doesn’t discuss what laws were passed to define the sherrifs duties as we know it today. It ends in 1989 with a happy ending about how the sherrifs duties were greatly reduced to what we consider the job description today. How did that come about? There is a laundry list of different laws passed requiring the sherrif to do this and that. Is there a law changing the the duties to what we now know as the sherrif? The link is fun reading but it is hardly vast and detailed. Big gap between 1945 and 1989.

    “Sheriffs were also empowered in 1935 to arrest any person operating a business establishment without a certified license.” Apparently he had arrest powers in 1935.

    Slavery was settled Federally. Don’t be silly. I am more concerned with him spending time on cracking down on the practice of chiropody (podiatry) without an license.(1935)

    I would like to see an act that has been passed that defines the sherrifs duties as they are now known. There is a big difference between the Delaware code describing his duties and what “tradition” has brought us without laws to support it. BTW, some of the current duties he performs today were empowered to him in the 1800s.

    Once again, I do not support the sherrif on this. But the question remians, is there simple clear cut defining moment for the sherrif we can point to that address’ this?

    Anyone have a link to the AG Brady finding?

  40. just curious says:

    Mitch makes an interesting point regarding the defining of conservator of the peace….certainly it is a very broad term, that carries with it very broad powers. The Judges, Chancellors and Attorney General have very broad power. While they aren’t out there making arrests on the street, they do have the power to cause an arrest to be made. Doesn’t it seem illogical that someone who has the power to cause an arrest to be made, cannot make the arrest themselves should the opportunity present itself? Of course, to see what Delaware means by Conservator of the Peace, one can easily look into Delaware Code to see how the term is used. Generally, it is used to define the duties of police officer. It is used to describe the duties of the DSP for one. Several town charters also use it to define the duties of thier police. Of course, some also use it in reference to the duties of the mayor. In addition, the Delaware Supreme Court, indirectly made a reference to conservators of the peace in a late 90’s case to see if Sgt. Doug Salter of the Delaware State Police could hold both his position as a trooper and that of an elected State Representative. While the case was about a separation of powers issue, the court said, “While there was no such entity at the State Police, there were Sheriffs and other conservators of the peace” While not a direct interpretation of what a conservator of the peace is, it is just another example that indicates law enforcement authority.

  41. Jasom330 says:

    If they managed to avoid being tazed by this bozo, the insurance burden on Sussex County residents is going to be a shocker.

  42. just curious says:

    Since the county paid for the tasers, and approved the training for them, I’m sure its covered by thier insurance….

  43. Jasom330 says:

    Lol. I doubt it. David Baker’s comments don’t suggest that.

  44. Aoine says:

    @Sussexanon –

    I didnt call you names – I just pointed out decrepancies – One can’t be a douche and an ass at the same time – totally different body parts in use there. and Im not offended either I think its kinda funny to resorted to name calling tho.

    But besidess those niceties, I wasn’t pot-shotting at you per se – Just that knucklehead Sheriff – there is nothing defining his powers and in a nut shell, as you can see – Brady’s decision says he cannot have lights on his car coz in DE only Cops have lights on thier cars and the Sheriff is NOT A COP – pretty basic and simple answer.

    the analogy that a doctor/lawyer is a doctor/lawyer but however cannot practice medicine in DE unless DE gives him a license is a good analogy for a Sheriff.
    He is law enforecment in a limited capacity, but not a COP coz the state certifies Cops and he is not one…PERIOD

    the ME is not still a COTP, but they were and barbers weresurgeons too but would let a barber do your liver transplant – I think not – jeff wants to move backwards in time – why not the ME too?? my point is this all really, really dumb.

    Im not sure about the term COTP defining the duties of DSP – can you link to that – I thought their duties were defined in title 11, chapter 84 under COPT… but maybe im wrong

    Bottom line – the sheriff has had a lot of various duties over the past several hundred years. the point being, that there is not ONE definition that jeff and “can hang his hat on”. the other point is his waving the Consitution around like the Shroud of Turin is doing him no good – these documents are “living documents” and change/get modified as the needs of societies change and modify.

    Mitch seemed to get my point tho – that is, the term COTP is redefined all the time. In fact JC says the sheriff should bring in wanted persons – well how would they know that person is wanted? – they do not have complete DELJIS access, their ACCESS to DELJIS is limited. They do not have access to NCIC, or ENFORCER or ICE’s database, maybe they should go to the Post Office and get the FBI most wanted list and tape it to the inside of their clipboard – or maybe get the US Marshalls list and do the same with it – maybe even Interpols’ list too.

    the Sheriff no longer TX prisioners, that is now left to Capital Police and DOC.

    Of course on the issue of the equipment…. and as it related to the “possee” Im wondering about the equiptment, i.e. where are all the extra uniforms, what does the the firearm inventory look like and are all the capstuns, batons, handcuffs, sidearm and tasers present and accounted for?? along with the extra uniforms.

    This possee is not “Olivers Army” and Jeff Christopher is not Saddam Hussein with the Imperial Guard.

    Like I said, and have been saying since january 2010 when his supporters concocted this whole debacle and showed their hand on what their agenda was – they are dangerous, and I worry someone is going to be really hurt or worse. Christopher is a true believer and as susch is not smart enought to stand down

    Reed at least had enough common sense to know hen he was defeated. Jeff just ain;t that smart or grounded in reality either.

  45. MJ says:

    The sheriff is not a LEO. He’s not a cop. He’s a loose canon who’s going to kill someone while auditioning for COPS.

  46. anon says:

    The latest story:

    The arrest of a robbery suspect last month by a Sussex County sheriff’s deputy is being reviewed by the state Attorney General’s Office, escalating an ongoing dispute over the powers of the sheriff’s office.|topnews|text|Home

  47. Shocked, just shocked to learn that arrests by fake cops might not be legally admissible.

  48. Dave says:

    We need a Sheriff that understands their public service role. Not one that wishes to expand their role and institute their own brand of law enforcement at additional expense to the taxpayers. I intend to make this one of my key discriminators for candidates to the county council as well the next election for Sheriff. DSP has a system of checks and balances. I want professionals. This Sheriff apparently has been watching too much Clint Eastwood in High Plains Drifter.

  49. Aoine says:

    This dangerous knuckle-head needs to be stopped.

    Imagine the buffoon arresting someone who has a warrant, but like in todays case, the warrent has not been served for reasons the investigating officer is only privy to.

    The arrest is deemed a violation of the 4th amemdment and the criminal is released as their rights were violated – and they then go out and hurt someone.

    The liability is incredible! simply off the charts – in this case alone we see:

    you have an unlawful arrest/detention -ding
    civil rights violation – ding
    kidnapping – ding
    false imprisionment – ding
    illegal search/seizure – ding

    and that is just for starters – those are just grounds for a good civil rights case, for the arrestee.

    what is it going to take for SOMEONE ANYONE to get rid of this guy

    there has to be a way to recall him – have a ballot referumdum – something……
    we cannot further risk people’s lives and safety having Bull Conner II in Sussex County, Delaware

    None of us are safe, not on the roads and not in our homes. He knows nor respects the law or its boundries – and he has a gun and access to DELJIS

    The DELJIS access needs to be suspended immediately!- the guns, handcuffs, pepper spray, batons, etc removed by the county.

    I fully expect (sorry DEMAND) to see in January, a piece of legislation, sailing thru the House and Senate to put this issue to bed forever. and it better go into effect tout suite as well.

  50. Jason330 says:

    He has gone rogue, like Sergeant Nicolo “Nico” Toscani played by the great Steven Seagal in ‘Above the law.’

  51. Anonymous says:

    I never thought I would say this, but it’s time to do away with electing people to meaningless row offices. That way WE THE PEOPLE won’t have to be subjected to illegal arrests by a rogue sheriff’s office and the Clerk of the Peace would do his job without all of the drama.

  52. Anon says:

    I would like to hear Joan Deaver’s take on this issue.

  53. Miscreant says:

    “…a gun and access to DELJIS”

    Those two can, indeed, be a dangerous combination in the hands of an simpleton like Christopher. It’s one of the few things I miss about the job. I still have the gun, but having DELJIS access was like owning a fucking howitzer.

  54. just curious says:

    SussexAnon here are three links that mention conservator of the peace specifically to the duties of police officers..the first in the DSP, the second Capitol PD and the third is Georgetown PD.

    What I dont get about all this supposed controversy is that people seem to think that arrests can only be made by police officers. The sheriff isn’t a police officer. But neither is a Probation Officer, a Corrections Officer, a Constable, a Fire Policeman, an SPCA Officer, a SOAR Agent or ONDD Agent. Yet they all have arrest powers. Some more limited than others, but I’m fairly certain that if any of them, except perhaps the Fire Police, encountered this same wanted subject in the course of thier duties, they all would have done just what the deputy sheriff did. Imagine the outcry if the deputy allowed the wanted subject to walk and then that person comitted another crime.

  55. Aoine says:

    I would like to say I am absolutely amazed that neither delaware Politics NOR WGMD, the RWNJ blog and radio station have
    ABSOLUTELY NOTHINGon the sheriff story??


    are we surprised?

  56. Aoine says:

    @ Miscreant – hey you think DELJIS was good – ENFORCER and some others (fed) are even cooler…..

    🙂 howitzer…… ammonium xxxxxxxxx and xxxxx and det cord

    its only an analogy folks..calm down

  57. Miscreant says:

    I had full access to state and federal data, and was a member of the Law Enforcement User’s Group for a few years. I vaguely remember ENFORCER. It was coming as I was going. If I recall, it was web-based and looked like it had potential to be bad ass.

  58. Aoine says:

    yup -it is 🙂

  59. Dave says:

    just curious on 23 November 2011 at 4:48 pm: “What I dont get about all this supposed controversy is that people seem to think that arrests can only be made by police officers.”

    That’s not the entire controversy and I think you know it. Regardless of the rural characteristic of Sussex County, we do not want or need Marshall Dillon. There is no evidence that the DSP does not meet the need, aside from the anecdotal and hyperbolic claims of a few folks, who appear to be championing the Sheriff’s efforts to become a police officer who is in charge of a police force. I do not care whether it takes only a single dollar of my taxes for his efforts, the bottom line is that there is no need and no logical rationale for this.

    Those best suited to power are those have it thrust upon them rather than those seek power themselves. I do not trust the current Sheriff and suspect that he has motivations that we are not privy to.

  60. Aoine says:

    @dave – excellent post and you are exactly correct

    this was a concerted effort by the RWNJ to have their own “man” in power as a Sheriff
    This position is a Constitutional one as you know – and as was ssen in Florida where the RWNJ wanted their Sheriffs to issue letters to TSA agents letters saying theu are violating the Constitution and thet they will arrest them if they continue doing their jobs

    This is tied into the Sovereign Citizen movement and they conceived of this idea as a way to force their agenda down our throats. It is scary and dangerous

    However, Delaware’s sheriff is not a police officer duly certified to enforce and invetigate, a little detail they left out or over-looked, But in their inflated egos, well who cares about the rule of law> they are above that as Consitutionalists. this crazy dude is Jeff’s hero – nuff said

    Make no mistake – they DO have an agenda – to be the enforcers for the 9.12ers and the t-party

    well the t-party is over and the 9/12ers sit around pullin pud – Jeff just didnt get the memo

    and this was a thought out plan – organized and funded – a concerted effort.

  61. Aoine says:

    this is their agenda Dave – my other comment is awaiting moderation

  62. Aoine says:

    this crazy dude is Jeff’s hero – nuff said

    Make no mistake – they DO have an agenda – to be the enforcers for the 9.12ers and the t-party

    well the t-party is over and the 9/12ers sit around pullin pud – Jeff just didnt get the memo

    and this was a thought out plan – organized and funded – a concerted effort.

  63. Aoine says:

    this will show you how bad it is:

    the Constitutional Sheriffs Assoc thanks the California Coalition for Immigration Reform, a listed hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center:

    from the CSPOA website: link in previous post

    The following groups and individuals have gone above and beyond the call of duty in helping to promote the mission of the CSPOA and our current fundraising effort.

    “CCIR – California Coalition for Immigration Reform – These good folks recently did an eblast of the CSPOA message to all of their subscribers. They also went the extra mile to sponsor a recent fund-raiser which was supported by the good patriots there. We urge you to join this dedicated patriot organization”

    here is what the Southtern Poverty Law Center has to say about it:

    I think its pretty clear what this is about – after all, it was a openly stated goal and Jeff Christopher ran on this agenda

  64. Miscreant says:

    “Regardless of the rural characteristic of Sussex County, we do not want or need Marshall Dillon.”

    Agreed. I know I don’t want an elected official with the authority of a certified police officer, who is charged with the responsibilities of prevention, detection, and investigation of crimes in “rural” Sussex. So, I’m the last person you would find “championing the Sheriff’s efforts to become a police officer”. Just what we need in a small state, more bullshit and politics interfering with law enforcement.

    “There is no evidence that the DSP does not meet the need, aside from the anecdotal and hyperbolic claims of a few folks, …”

    Bull. Shit.
    I don’t have to rely on anecdotes and hyperbole to tell me what I have actually experienced. Having spent over 25 years as a (certified) police officer (most in Sussex), having lived nearly my entire life in rural Sussex, and having attended the DSP Training Academy (in a Trooper class) and ultimately taught troopers and municipal officers there, and having been the victim of numerous property crimes over the past few years, I can confidently state that DSP is NOT meeting their obligation. Frankly, it hasn’t always been this way, just the past few years.

    A complete list of their inadequacies and fuck ups is way too long to write here. I haven’t even complained to them about it because I still know some of the players in the network, and know it would result in even less service.

  65. Aoine says:

    @Dave agreed

    @Miscreant – you have a point also – if DSP had their feet held to the fire a little more and stopped playing a numbers game with the personnel and stats and those who know what to look for COULD look, they would see a lot of smoke and mirrors

    and you know what Im referring to……

    So you do you have hard suggestions…I have had a few ideas – would take some intestinal fortitude however

    But what the sheriff is doing is absolutely wrong, besides the fact he is nuts – I hope the Ag’s office does something defintive and definate here.and leaves politics out of it.

  66. just curious says:

    @Dave…I have to agree with your comment about those seeking power vs. those who have it thrust upon them. To that end, I have to say that back in 2010, Ron Sams asked my opinion on having the party nominate Jeff. I said that I didn’t think he had the right disposition for the job. He is proving me correct. However, it doens’t mean he is wrong about the concept that the Sheriff’s Office can and should be doing more.

    As far as the concept of electing law enforcment officials….it works in thousands of counties across this country. Some are full service like Sheriff Joe in AZ, running everything from the local jail to handling the policing duties for the county. Others merely serve very small agencies that supplement other police agencies. Elected nutjobs are preferable to appointed ones because they are easier to get rid of.

    DSP can do more….but good luck getting rid of the performance standards that drive patrol troops.

  67. Dave says:

    Miscreant “and having been the victim of numerous property crimes over the past few years, I can confidently state that DSP is NOT meeting their obligation.”

    I accept your confidently stated opinion at face value. However, I am data driven and your statements are anecdotal. I have a single experience with the DSP as a non resident on a hit and run by the paper delivery person. The DSP spent three days tracking the sucker down and gave him 24 hours to do the right thing. He did and his insurance carrier took care of the issue. I was completely satisfied that the state police would spend that much time and effort running it to ground. Will provide the police report number and information for those who data driven like me.

    Also, I prefer no nutjobs, but I also disagree that elected ones are easier to get rid of. Case in point, the current Sheriff is on what, a 3 year term? An appointed nutjob would already be gone. Besides, if you voted a nutjob into office, what does that say about the voters here?

  68. JustSomeGuy says:

    Dave: “if you voted a nut job into office, what does that say about the voters here?”

    Lots and Lots of Nut Jobs west of 113, and a healthy number east:)

  69. So nice to finally start seeing the word ‘agenda’ finally being used on these blogs! I just posted the following on the DE POL site: There is an ‘agenda’! Read the memo on my site! Posse’s were used. Wait until you folks find out what the purposes were! What Colley knows and what the REAL agenda is are two very different things. Now that the Attorney General is involved the truth will come out in time … and it won’t be pretty. It’s sad that a guy in Tennessee knows more than you folks do about what’s really been going on in Sussex County. READ THE FULL MEMO. My brother’s involvement is there and please remember that he and Sheriff Jeff pray together!!

  70. Miscreant says:

    “I accept your confidently stated opinion at face value.”

    Obviously, I have no agenda, or a dog in this race, so I really don’t give a flying fuck how you perceive my statements. My actual experience trumps your ignorance.

    However, I am data driven and your statements are anecdotal.

    Apparently, you AND the DSP are data driven. Like any aspiring prosecuting attorney, they pick the lightweight cases in which to excel.

    I have a single experience with the DSP …

    Case closed. Everything preceding, and following, that statement must be either “anecdotal”, or pure bullshit. Should it even be factual, it comparatively bears little or no relevance to the discussion.

  71. Miscreant says:

    Paul Bodenweiser says…

    “So nice to finally…”

    Shut the fuck up, Bodenweiser. You and your brother are two of the most socially retarded motherfuckers on the planet.

  72. Aoine says:

    makes for interesting reading tho

  73. Dave says:

    “Obviously, I have no agenda, or a dog in this race, so I really don’t give a flying fuck how you perceive my statements. My actual experience trumps your ignorance. ”

    Were any of my previous posts insulting to you that prompted this? You relayed personal experience, I accepted what you relayed. I admitted that my experience with the DSP was limited to a single incident and in your view it was “lightweight.” I’m not sure what your criteria is for lightweight vs heavyweight so it is difficult to judge what experiences everyone has had. The fact is data is data, you say the DSP does a poor job. I see no evidence to support that opinion. Experience as a police officer in Sussex County does not substitute for statistical data that supports one’s opinion.

    Just for the record, I have zero years as a police officer; have lived in major metropolitan areas all my adult life; never owned a firearm as an adult; and I have never been a victim of any property crimes. From your “data” and mine, one could conclude any number of things such as, that big cities are safer; Sussex County rural areas are crime ridden; those who own firearms are more prone to being victimized; or that police officers in rural areas are not as effective as those in big cities. None of those conclusions would be valid mind you, but that’s why I seek data and not anecdotes in forming opinions and conclusions.

  74. Crunchy says:

    Paul, thank you for posting the original memo that was sent to Sheriff Christopher. It was the first I heard about any issues with the GPS units.
    However, the campaign against your own brother is troubling. Please consider keeping your fit with your brother separate from these issues.

  75. Hello Miscreant! All I’m doing is presenting dots for you and others to connect. What you, or any others, think of me means nothing when it comes to the bottom line. So long as you’re not going to be voting for my brother my objective is obtained.

  76. Baba Louie says:

    This is absolutely driven by a body of legal voodoo that is endemic to the Sovereign Citizen movement.