Thanksgiving Eve Open Thread [11.23.11]

Filed in National by on November 23, 2011

Two Republican Illinois lawmakers want Cook County, which houses the City of Chicago, to become its own state.

The Pew Research Center finds that the Occupy Wall Street movement had its best week yet in news coverage.

“Last week, the U.S. economy was the No. 1 story at 22% of the newshole, with the majority of that coverage focused on the confrontations between protesters, law enforcement, and the city governments that preside over the public spaces that have become encampments. All totaled, the Occupy Wall Street story accounted for 13% of the overall newshole during the week of November 14-20… That coverage marked a major spike from the week before when media attention to the protests had dropped to just 1% of the newshole. It surpassed even the week of October 10-16, when the protests, largely focused on income inequality, filled 10% of the newshole as the demonstrations expanded around the country and partisans began turning it into a major political issue.”

So thanks Police and City Governments, the more you attack them, the more coverage they get.

Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT) has asked Google to institute a new system on their Blogger publishing platform where readers can flag “terrorist content.” Joe Lieberman, I hope you burn forever in Hell you fascist asshole. Your retirement can’t come soon enough. And talk about something that will be completely ineffective. Republicans will flag Democratic content as terrorist content, and we will be forced to do the same to Republican content. So, basically, Joe Lieberman just wants more flame wars on the internet.

To prove that there is no issue on which he won’t flip flop, and I mean NO issue. Mitt Romney now says his first name is Mitt. Previously, his first name was Willard.

Michele Bachmann is somehow on the House Intelligence Committee. There, she is privy to classified information. She is also running for President. Last night at the 138th GOP Debate, she leaked classified information about Pakistan’s 15 nuclear sites being vulnerable to terrorist attack, and that six of them had already come under some form of terrorist attack. The National Journal says the new facts “represent either a news-making leak of previously unknown classified information or another in her recent series of seemingly-random, and highly inaccurate, public comments.” A full investigation will be required, and if it is proven true that Ms. Bachmann breached our national security by leaking this information, she will have to be jailed.

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  1. cassandra_m says:

    Has anyone noticed that the News Journal is switching its commenting scheme to Facebook? You need a valid Facebook presence to actually comment there now, rather than the crazy anonymous NJ deal. What that means is that the usual nastiness in their comments space has died down for the moment. Apparently the folks with the incoherent, the vicious, the racist, the resentful, etc. don’t want to put their names with that kind of content.

    Go figure.

  2. socialistic ben says:

    hey conservatives.

    the pigs are guilty of murder now, right? RIGHT?

  3. liberalgeek says:

    That’s a damn shame. I have my doubts about the pepper spray crossing the placenta though, but I’ll wait for the medical records.

  4. socialistic ben says:

    I think the kicks to the stomach also helped.

  5. liberalgeek says:

    Yeah, that is the likely cause. The article quotes the victim saying that the pepper spray had an impact too. Hope that cop pays the price for being a violent asshole.

  6. cassandra_m says:

    Conservatives love their police state more than they love their fetuses, I think.

    It is a real shame that this woman lost her baby, and I hope that the authorities throw the book at this cop and his management.

    And I wouldn’t underestimate the effects of a good dose of pepper spray — it is an inflammatory and between that and the way it affects your respiratory system, her body may have been stressed out enough or starved of enough oxygen to damage her baby. But the kick to her stomach (really?) and I guess she was hit again was likely the primary cause.

  7. cassandra_m says:

    Rush Limbaugh tells his listeners that “the NASCAR weenies who booed Michele Obama did it to protest her “uppityism”.

    Yeah, he said it.

    No work on why they also booed Dr. Jill Biden. Maybe it was enabling uppity black people while white.

  8. Jason330 says:

    So true about the GOP and the police state. The little bit I heard about the GOP debate last night was about Ron Paul being lambasted for not wanting to make the Patriot Act even more patriotically repressive.

  9. anonone says:

    Obama and the Democrats love the American Police State just as much as Republicans, if not more. Obama and Holder are doing everything that they can to institutionalize it, and virtually no Democrats (including those here) are speaking out against it.

    Too bad Ron Paul is such a loon, otherwise, he is spot-on regarding the loss of civil liberties in America.

  10. Jason330 says:

    When a1 types “Ctrl, ^ , ^” he pastes “Obama and the Democrats love (_________) just as much as Republicans,” in blog comments sections.

    It is a huge time saver.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    Five Myths About Newtie Gingrich.

    I’m particularly fond of the debunking of he man’s so-called academic cred.

  12. puck says:

    Unfortunately the police state, the surveillance state, and the erosion of civil liberties are a true area of bipartisan agreement for thirty years.

  13. puck says:

    “Mitt Romney, Satan’s personal accountant.”

    h/t dkos

  14. anonone says:

    Truth is truth. The left foot tracks in as much mud as the right foot.

  15. Aoine says:

    only if BOTH FEET have been in the mud dear

  16. PBaumbach says:

    Chad Livengood spoke of the transition to Facebook signons for WNJ feedback rather than the anonymous past approach, at PDD’s November member meeting.

  17. cassandra_m says:

    And now the Facebook signins have disappeared from the NJ. Weird.

  18. anon says:

    Story online says the FB commenting is coming out Nov. 30.

  19. Jason330 says:

    The FB thing sounds like a step in the right direction for the NJ.

  20. Jason330 says:

    Omg. Roberts thinks that they were speaking in code. “What is this Mac and cheese? “

  21. Another Mike says:

    Facebook commenting seems to be the norm for most media companies, including Gannett. While there is plenty of name-calling and other nasty behavior in the current format, the ability to remain anonymous is a necessity for some people — myself included — who remain civil. Anyone who believes a current or prospective employer will not check them out on Facebook is kidding themselves.

    If I wanted my kids, mother, boss, friends and colleagues to know what I thought of that stuff, I would have been using my real name for years.

    My guess is that commenting will slow to a trickle at TNJ site.

  22. puck says:

    I’d rather see no comments in the NJ, than comments only from Facebookers.

  23. puck says:

    Check out the sly last paragraph of the Huffpo post on Pat Robinson:

    Robertson, 81, said recently that President Barack Obama has a Muslim “inclination” because of his upbringing in Indonesia. He also recently said that divorcing a spouse with Alzheimer’s disease is justifiable because the disease is “a kind of death.”

  24. liberalgeek says:

    Yeah, that clip doesn’t do the Alzheimer’s thing justice. WTF does “til death do us part” mean if not that? And if it is a kind of death, is euthanasia OK at that point? Cause, I mean, they’re already “mostly dead” (if they were all the way dead, there’s only one thing to do… Go through their pockets and look for loose change).

    And how does one mesh this total BS description of Alzheimer’s and Terry Schiavo?

  25. MJ says:

    The big question for Romney – what’s on his birth certificate? Maybe Orly Taitz should demand to see it.

  26. puck says:

    I’d rather see Mitt’s income tax returns.

  27. cassandra m says:

    Here’s one (of two, really?) NJ announcements of the changeover to FB comments.

    The comments here are seriously entertaining. After making the NJ comments section one of the most toxic places in the Delaware web space, the usual suspects are getting their paranoid on. And complaining that their various and sundry conspiracy theories, talking points, bigotries and just plain vile attitudes were somehow committed to making sure public corruption saw the light of day. Hysterical.

  28. Jason330 says:

    Pretty funny. I think some of those hateful shut ins think that they were providing some public service. Well, the guy who observed that the NJ didn’t like what it was reading was probably mostly right.

  29. anon says:

    A few points:

    1. The FB comment conversion is a Gannett-wide program, not just something TNJ has decided to do randomly. See

    2. All this represents is a basic return to civility that newspapers used to have before the Internet. It applies the same type of standards to online commenting that apply to letters to the editor.

  30. cassandra_m says:

    Thanks! There are a number of sites (blogs, in particular) that are using Facebook comments and it is interesting to see how sane the conversations are when actual names are attached to comments.

  31. Another Mike says:

    Funny, I was reading through the Gannett blog linked above, and all but one commenter was anonymous, even as they generally approved of the policy. Irony?

  32. Truth Teller says:

    Heres the Dem’s new add on our boy Willard