Who said it, Kovach or Carney? The ‘Burdensome Regulations’ Edition

Filed in National by on November 29, 2011

Who thinks burdensome regulations are killing the economy? Which candidate is seeking your vote based on a policy of freeing corporations from the onerous and burdensome regulations that are choking off economic growth in America?

See if you can tell by playing this week’s- Who said it? Kovach or Carney?

Millions of Americans are out of work and looking for jobs. Businesses trying to grow face the barriers of skyrocketing employee benefit costs and unnecessary delays caused by the government.

Kovach or Carney?

Ensuring that the federal government does not unfairly burden small businesses is a priority of mine. I will continue looking for common sense ways to reduce burdens on small business owners…

Kovach or Carney?

We should also continue to reduce burdensome and unnecessary regulations on small businesses without compromising the basic health and safety standards we need.

Kovach or Carney?

If a business can overcome these barriers they must then overcome the hurdles of cumbersome regulations and an overly complex tax code which causes way too much uncertainty for a business to start, expand, or create new jobs.

Kovach or Carney?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. puck says:


    Or – K, C, C, K.

  2. jason330 says:

    Nailed it. Here Carney sounds slightly less Republican than the challenger because he is willing to allow that “basic health and safety standards” might be a good thing. I can’t imagine Kovach ever uttering that heresy.

    Still, Carney is far too eager to adopt the wingnut frame that GOVERNMENT is the problem. If we could only get government out of the way, we’d live in a goddamn free market paradise like Haiti or Somalia.

    The reality (and the winning frame for Dems) is that in a democracy, the Government can be a great business partner facilitating economic growth by promoting predictability and stability for investors while protecting the middle class from the rapacious greed of multi-national corporations.

  3. jason330 says:

    This has also been cross posted at the mothership:


  4. mediawatch says:

    Carney should ditch the “government is the problem” line. Has he forgotten that, except for the 6-8 months after Markell beat him in the 2008 primary, his entire working life has been spent in government?
    When Kovach figures that out, he’ll have John-boy trying to eat his words.

  5. Jason330 says:

    Kovach is going to that right out of the gate. What is “I’m not a politician,” except another way of saying that my opponent is a politician.

    That fact is that they are both politicians and both are smart enough human beings to know that the “Government is the problem” line is great nonsense to feed brain dead idiots, but not a great governing philosophy.