Delaware Liberal

Friday Open Thread [12.9.11]

Phantom Cocktails from Ty Migota on Vimeo.

A new University of Massachusetts at Lowell/Boston Herald poll finds Elizabeth Warren (D) has opened up a lead against Sen. Scott Brown (R) for the first time in their U.S. Senate showdown, 49% to 42%.


“Republicans’ enthusiasm about voting in the election for president next year has decreased, with 49% of Republicans and independents who lean Republican now saying they are more enthusiastic than usual about voting, down from 58% in September. This narrows the gap between them and Democrats, 44% of whom are more enthusiastic than usual, essentially the same as in September.”

A new Farleigh Dickenson poll shows Newt Gingrich leading the GOP presidential field nationally with 36%, followed by Mitt Romney at 23%, Herman Cain at 8%, Rick Perry at 6%, Ron Paul at 4%, Michele Bachmann at 4%, Rick Santorum at 3% and Jon Huntsman at 2%.

A new Economist/YouGov poll finds Gingrich with 31%, Romney at 15%, Paul at 11%, Perry at 9%, Santorum at 7%, Huntsman at 6% and Bachmann at 5%.

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