Friday Open Thread [12.9.11]

Filed in National by on December 9, 2011

Phantom Cocktails from Ty Migota on Vimeo.

A new University of Massachusetts at Lowell/Boston Herald poll finds Elizabeth Warren (D) has opened up a lead against Sen. Scott Brown (R) for the first time in their U.S. Senate showdown, 49% to 42%.


“Republicans’ enthusiasm about voting in the election for president next year has decreased, with 49% of Republicans and independents who lean Republican now saying they are more enthusiastic than usual about voting, down from 58% in September. This narrows the gap between them and Democrats, 44% of whom are more enthusiastic than usual, essentially the same as in September.”

A new Farleigh Dickenson poll shows Newt Gingrich leading the GOP presidential field nationally with 36%, followed by Mitt Romney at 23%, Herman Cain at 8%, Rick Perry at 6%, Ron Paul at 4%, Michele Bachmann at 4%, Rick Santorum at 3% and Jon Huntsman at 2%.

A new Economist/YouGov poll finds Gingrich with 31%, Romney at 15%, Paul at 11%, Perry at 9%, Santorum at 7%, Huntsman at 6% and Bachmann at 5%.

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  1. jason330 says:

    Who could have predicted that the Republicans would be so effective at narrowing the enthusiasm gap.

  2. puck says:

    So Republicans are now digging themselves the same enthusiasm hole Obama dug for Democrats last year. But this year, every time Obama says something that sounds like a Democrat, he fills in his own hole a little, and he may win based on the enthusiasm gap gap – which side is the least apathetic and disgusted with their own party?

    Of course at any moment Obama could blast his own enthusiasm gap wide open with one stroke of his pen again.

  3. jason330 says:

    I doubt that last part. Are there any Democrats out there who would say, “you know, that’s the last straw” at this point?

    Obama is a known commodity and he has reached his floor. He only has upward enthusiasm potential from here on out.

  4. puck says:

    “Are there any Democrats out there who would say, “you know, that’s the last straw” ”

    I don’t think enthusiasm gaps work that way. I think de-enthused people just decide to stay at work or clean out the garage instead on Election Day. They don’t even consciously decide; it’s just that the election isn’t foremost in their minds.

  5. jason330 says:

    Floor. Case closed. Good day Sir.

  6. Joe Cass says:

    Fisker isn’t paying the contractors at the old GM plant on Boxwood Road. There is less effort in producing cars and more effort grabbing taxpayer’s dollars while strong arming labor. This wouldn’t fly in Europe but DEDO is in on the assist here. Did Fisker steal technology from Tesla Motors? Still in court.