Christine O’Donnell to Endorse Tonight.

Filed in National by on December 13, 2011

The most prized endorsement in the history of mankind will be announced tonight, according to an email from the Friends of Christine O’Donnell (she has friends?). I am sure you cannot wait another moment. Will she side with the vile and toxic Ann Coulter and stick with Romney? Will she jump on the Gingrich bandwagon? Will she stay true to her anti-sex anti-gay anti-masturbation and anti-reason principles and endorse the frothy mix that is Rick Santorum?

I believe, rather than endorsing anyone, she will jump into the race herself. Well, that’s not really a belief, or a prediction. Rather, it is a prayer, a hope.

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  1. Joe Cass says:

    The Virgin Queen anoints…

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Chad Livengood says on Twitter that O’Donnell is ending her listening tour early. She was supposed to go to New Hampshire on Dec. 20.

  3. socialistic ben says:

    and the winner is… herself.
    Unhappy with any of the candidates and after a long discussion with God, Christine has decided to give in to the loud public call and let us make her the President!

  4. Jason330 says:

    I’m on the edge of my seat. This could be bigger than Vance Phillips’ poisoned watermelon of doom.

  5. socialistic ben says:

    things like this make me wonder…. What’s Mike Castle doing these days….

  6. She’s been a Romney supporter on Twitter. I doubt anyone cares what she thinks anymore.

  7. giddy voter says:

    the official media statement was written in crayon. After all – the entire event is sponsored by Crayola.

    AND – if everyone that bought her book NATIONWIDE votes by her endorsement – that’ll mean 1,700 votes in the bank. GAME OVER MAN…

  8. Delaware Dem says:

    Chad Livengood watches Fox so we don’t have to:

    Christine O’Donnell: “I’m endorsing Mitt Romney.” Not an “anti-Gingrich” endorsement. It’s a “pro-Romney” endorsement, COD says. #netDE

  9. Delaware Dem says:

    Some of my fav Tweets in reaction (Twitter has been on fire with the wit and reaction to this devastating development for the Romney campaign).

  10. Jason330 says:

    Can someone post the Coons response here? That link isn’t working for me.

  11. Delaware Dem says:

    Here you go.

    It is not Coons’ response, but his spokesman.

  12. Jason330 says:

    Lol. What else is there to say?

  13. cassandra m says:

    Apparently she said she’s running for office again

    C’mon, people — Mike Brown needs a GOP primary challenger for Mayor of Wilmington!

  14. jason330 says:

    The Delaware Democrats response hits on the fact that modern Republicanism is whack-a-doodle.

    “Tonight, former U.S. Senatorial candidate Christine O’Donnell endorsed Mitt Romney’s campaign for President. The Romney campaign released a statement boasting, “Christine recognizes that excessive government threatens us now and threatens future generations, and I am pleased to have her on my team.”

    Delawareans know Christine O’Donnell has proved time and time again to be too radical for working families – that’s why Democrat Chris Coons soundly defeated her in 2010.
    O’Donnell’s endorsement signals Romney’s increasingly extreme positions. That’s not what we expect from our President, and that’s not the kind of President fit to represent Delawareans.”

  15. jason330 says:

    That lefty rag, The Business Insider runs this headline: “It’s Come To This: Mitt Romney Is Proud To Have Christine O’Donnell’s Endorsement”

    LMAO !

  16. MJ says:

    I’m wondering how Chad Livengood wrote the article on COD’s endorsement with a straight face.

  17. Dana Garrett says:

    I’m surprised she went with.Romney given that he’s a heretic according to the narrow theological circles she runs in. I thought for sure she’d opt for Gingrich, figuring that he’s a Tea Party darling and he might be ideological enough to give her a job should he become Prez.

  18. Hahahahaha, tweet from Chad Livengood

    .@ChristineOD may have alienated her #TeaParty base w/ @MittRomney endorsement. “She is now a RINO,” one #Delaware GOPer tells me. #netDE

  19. For the Amish among us, it looks the the link above won’t work – copy and paste it into your browser.

  20. Jason330 says:

    O’Donnell and Mike Castle can hang out together at RINO meetings.

  21. socialistic ben says:

    but seriously.. guy like Castle. we’re all well aware of how everyone HERE feels about him, but the guy had a long distinguished political career that was ended by this…… clownshoe. that has gotta SUCK

  22. MJ says:

    I wonder if Romney promised COD a pizza-bowling party for her endorsement.

  23. giddy voter says:

    It has been rumored that Romney paid off some of her campaign debt for the endorsement. He can’t attract ANY REAL tea-partiers, so he had to go down a list. My guess is that Christine O’Delusional wasn’t very high on the list and he had to make a deal to get her endorsement.

    NOW – that was just rumored, but it makes sense doesn’t it?