Castle’s Signature Achievement is a “Waste.” Castle Agrees.

Filed in National by on December 14, 2011

Mike Castle likes coins. He likes coins so much that he has sponsored various pieces of legislation regarding coins. The state quarter thing, that was Castle. Coins celebrating the national parks, that was Castle. The Presidential $1 Coin Act of 2005? Castle’s idea. An idea so popular and wanted with and by the people that 1.4 billion coins are sitting in the Federal Reserve’s valuts due to lack of demand.

Yesteday, fellow Delawarean and current Vice President Joe Biden announced that the Obama Administration was halting the “wasteful production.”

But Castle has no hard feelings. In fact, he’s supportive. “I’m delighted that the White House has made that decision,” he said Tuesday. “As far as I’m concerned, it was a waste to store them.”

This action will save the taxpayer $50 million a year in production and storage costs, part of Obama’s “Campaign to Cut Waste.” So Castle is delighted have his signature achievements in Congress to be called “wasteful” and ended. Yeah, that sounds about right.

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  1. puck says:

    I’m sure all over America, state quarters are being pried out of their cardboard display holders to buy milk and groceries. Another Castle legacy.

  2. socialistic ben says:

    meanwhile, chrissy got to be on the front page of HP this morning. Makes ya wonder if a moonbat liberal could pull off the same coup d’etat with Carper’s career.

  3. puck says:

    Makes ya wonder if a moonbat liberal could pull off the same coup d’etat…

    Let’s hold off and see how that works out with D4Kovach đŸ™‚

  4. Another Mike says:

    Castle also championed the dollar coin in 1997, but he favored the Statue of Liberty over the eventual winner, Sacagawea.

  5. Jason330 says:

    “Let’s hold off and see how that works out with D4Kovach”

    John Carney wins by one vote. That’s the goal.

  6. socialistic ben says:

    jason, i still think he will take it as a sign that democrats want him to be MORE conservative…. despite mission statements, public records, facts……. no.. we need a real self absorbed nutball.

  7. Jason330 says:

    For Carper, yes. Unless that puts an actual Republican in the seat.

  8. socialistic ben says:

    naww. this is a deep blue state. All they would need, after ending carper, would be a fresh coat of paint and a good spin job. I doubt most people would even notice a primary took place and would just vote D in the general election anyway.

  9. Geezer says:

    Mike was simply ahead of the American public on this. Eliminating the dollar bill for a dollar coin would save, literally, billions per year in printing costs. Nobody wants to do it because Americans are such wusses that they complain it would make their pockets too heavy. Why is it we deserve to lead the world again?

  10. Jason330 says:

    The problem with the modern dollar coin is that they listened to the focus groups and made it too small.

  11. anon says:

    Castle’s “signature achievement” was the quarter program, which generated about $3 billion in revenue and was very popular. He tried to cut back production of the dollar program, but wasn’t listened to. What’s already been minted will be collector’s items.

  12. MJ says:

    With 1.4 billion coins minted, these will hardly be collector’s items.

  13. DEIdealist says:

    Maybe Scott Spencer will primary Carper (or Carney). Wasn’t he going to run against Carney in 2010?

  14. Jason330 says:

    1930’s radio voice: Say, I collect huge sacks of dollar coins. Where can I get me some of those Presidential $1 Coins everybody is talking about?

  15. anon says:

    You mean Rocket&RailMan?

  16. puck says:

    At John Carney’s deficit workshop last summer (which he outsourced to the Concord Coalition and their deficit scare charts), one of the ideas on the worksheet was to eliminate the dollar bill. Of all the flipping things to be talking about at that time. Of course “raising retirement age” was on the worksheet, but “eliminating the Social Security tax salary cap” was not. I personally saw Carney almost imperceptibly flinch when I brought it up. There was other crazy stuff like eliminating deductions for low-end charitable contributions but not for the rich. With ideas like that, Carney is well on the way to his one-vote win.

  17. Jason330 says:

    “John Carney wins by one vote.” If your mind can conceive it, and your heart can believe it…

  18. Jason330 says:

    BTW – was “Don’t build the National Park in Delaware that nobody is clamoring for except Tom Carper” one of the money saving options?