Delaware Liberal

Did KWS Go Over to the Dark Side? – UPDATED

It seems as though KWS, the incumbent “Democratic” Insurance Commissioner has hired herself a republican to run her re-election campaign. Well, he was a registered republican up until December 12, 2011.

ItalioItalo Russo has been hired to steer the rudderless ship that is KWS and her campaign. Seven days after he changed his registration (apparently to offset any negative publicity), he attended 2 state Democratic party meetings as her representative, with Elliott Jacobson in tow. Now some of you might not see a problem with this. But I see a huge problem.

The first meeting was that of the Democratic Party’s Coordinated Campaign committee. It was attended by the 4 sub-division chairs, senior staff, the state chair, and reps of all of the Democratic statewide officeholders. Sensitive financial information was handed out at this meeting, so sensitive that no one was allowed to walk out of the room with the handouts. And KWS made it possible for a republican to view this information.

The second meeting was the State Executive Committee. Russo actually introduced himself at this meeting to all who weren’t at the earlier meeting.

Now ask yourself why this is wrong. Let’s say KWS loses her primary (we know she will). Russo can take whatever information he has learned over the next 10 months and give it to the rethuglicans. My guess is that he could take pictures of any sensitive documents with a smart phone. Hell, we really don’t know if he hasn’t done so already.

Party leadership now knows about Russo’s background and is pissed off at KWS.

KWS was elected as a Democrat, governs as a republican and now has a (until 9 days ago) registered republican as her campaign manager.

Time for KWS to go. Now!

UPDATE: Thanks to some sleuthing, I found a picture of Russo. A blue blood?!

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