For the Second Night of Chanukah

Filed in National by on December 21, 2011

I think I mentioned it last year, but Chanukah is typical of quite a few Jewish holidays – they tried to kill us, we won, let’s eat.

Tonight’s video is the smash hit from last year by the Maccabeats, the acapella group from Yeshiva University in New York.



About the Author ()

A rabble-rousing bureaucrat living in Sussex County

Comments (5)

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  1. MJ says:

    The guys are very talented.

    And I threw my latkes in the air tonight.

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    LOL. Spin the dreidel.

  3. MJ says:

    I should explain – the letters on the dreidel represent Nais Gadol Ha’esham (Nun, Gimmel, Hay, Shin) which means “A Great Miracle Happened There.”

  4. yenta says:

    I burnt my finger on last night’s candle, oy vey