Archive for December, 2011

Tuesday Daily Delawhere [12.13.11]

Filed in National by on December 13, 2011 3 Comments
Tuesday Daily Delawhere [12.13.11]

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Staton could be the beneficiary of teabag paranoia run amok

Filed in National by on December 12, 2011 13 Comments

Chad Livengood’s story about the GOP primary for the 6th senate seat did a good job identifying the players and revealing the dynamic that could help Staton prevail in the 6th.

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Okay. Delaware Dem is right. Let it please be Newt.

Filed in National by on December 12, 2011 19 Comments

President Obama would absolutly CRUSH newt in the general election. Please FSM, let it be Newt. Why the change of heart? It has been a hell of a bad day to be Newt Gingrich.

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Monday Open Thread [12.12.11]

Filed in National by on December 12, 2011 6 Comments
Monday Open Thread [12.12.11]

NBC/Marist also has polls out showing Newt crushing Romney in South Carolina and Florida. But these polls also show President Obama crushing Gingrich by 12 in Florida and by 4 in South Carolina. Yes, President Obama would win South Carolina if the election were held today.

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Matt Denn Hires the Devil (in a figurativly speaking, guilt by association kind of way)

Filed in National by on December 12, 2011 53 Comments

That headline is a little blogger hyperbole. I’m not saying that everyone who has worked for Tom Carper is tainted and should never be hired by anyone ever again, but… well.. yes I am saying that.

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Monday Daily Delawhere [12.12.11]

Filed in National by on December 12, 2011 7 Comments
Monday Daily Delawhere [12.12.11]

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A bleak holiday season start for Hollywood

Filed in National by on December 12, 2011 5 Comments

Film industry watchers have speculated that audiences are staying away from theaters because, given the present economy, they have lost their appetite for garbage.

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Donald Trump now regarded by RWNJs as an Obama Double Agent

Filed in National by on December 11, 2011 9 Comments

Too funny. In the sticky and damp world of the RWNJ conspiracy theorists, President Obama is capable of literally anything. Including…. wait for it… using Donald Trump as a “trojan horse” to make the GOP look bad by bringing back up birtherism while baiting “none of the above” minded Republicans with possibility of a third party campaign.

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“Plan B” & Team Obama Strategy

Filed in National by on December 11, 2011 6 Comments

I certainly don’t get it. Team Obama’s strategic thinking behind the decision to overrule the FDA is either nonexistent or so crazily idiosyncratic as to be nonexistent.

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Sunday Open Thread [12.11.11]

Filed in National by on December 11, 2011 2 Comments

Critics have long complained that instead of sticking to strong positions on issues such as immigration, federal spending, and health care reform, Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney has routinely changed his stance to appeal to voters. Here are some key policies on which he has flip-flopped:

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Sunday Daily Delawhere [12.11.11]

Filed in National by on December 11, 2011 3 Comments
Sunday Daily Delawhere [12.11.11]

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Rush Limbaugh is right about one thing

Filed in National by on December 10, 2011 15 Comments

I watched a little of the Republican debate and I hate to admit it, but Rush Limbaugh is right when he says that Gingrich could give Obama more of a race than Romney. Romney leaves everybody flat. Newt is full of zingers and is always spoiling for a fight. Newt could win the moderates who say things like, “I don’t agree with him on much, but the guy has moxie.” or “I just like him.”

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Saturday Open Thread [12.10.11]

Filed in National by on December 10, 2011 4 Comments

Seconds Of Beauty – 1st round compilation from The Beauty Of A Second on Vimeo.

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