Caucus Thoughts, Or… When A Win Isn’t Really A Win

Filed in National by on January 4, 2012

Last night was another win for Not-Romney.  Honestly, I almost think it would have been better for Romney to have lost by 8 votes – yes, that’s debatable.  But let’s move on to future Romney woes…

First, Gingrich is furious.  This weekend’s debates will be must watch television.  This is personal to Newt.  Go buy popcorn.

Second, if Perry (who’s presently reassessing his campaign) or Bachmann drops out then there’s more Not-Romney votes up for grabs.  Good news for Santorum.  Bad news for Romney, who benefits from the crowded field where 25% is enough.

Third, given how the press loves shiny, new objects and a horse race, expect them to go easy on Santorum – simply to keep the race alive.

I still expect Romney to be the nominee, but he’ll be damaged by this primary.  Newt will make sure of it.


About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    I wen to bed. Did Paul win? Ah, so Romney won by 8 votes. That’s not many. Although most talking heads say that this wraps it up for Mittens.

    I agree with you pandora. There are a lot of teabag Republicans who HATE Romney and feel that this nomination is being rammed through by DC big money.

    They are right of course, so there is that…

    I’d be curious to know how our local wingnuttery is reacting to this. (The place is probably awash in frothy Santorum.) I’m not curious enough to go and look though.

  2. Jason330 says:

    This is funny. Santorum’s showing in Iowa has doubled his support in New Hampshire overnight. “…the number of New Hampshire Republican voters who said they’d support Santorum went from 5 percent in late December to 10 percent last night.”

    Woo Hoo! Feel the Froth-mentum.

  3. socialistic ben says:

    poor newty. As someone who was targeted by bullies for about 10 straight years, i love seeing this scumbag finally get his. I always thought newt was a sociopath incapable of self awareness or feeling hurt…. glad it’s not true. I think we should drag him out every 10 or so years and public humiliate him.

    * the term for what is happening with the second place candidate last night….. Time to Spread some Santorum!!!!!

    *jason, i still maintain that no matter what kind of faux-free thinking the GOP electorate thinks they are demonstrating now, they will happily fall in line and not only support Romney when they are told he is their nominee, but will love his “conservative agenda” and will “have always been a Romney fan” that is what it means to be a member of the cult. (republicanism)

  4. AQC says:

    I’m going to miss Bachman.

  5. socialistic ben says:

    who thinks Palin can be goaded into endorsing now that papa McCain has? she hasnt had 4 consecutive hours of coverage time in MONTHS!!! Caribou Barbie must be feeling the cold cold hand of insignificance. She should jump in the pool of Santorum and bring Minnesota Midge (copyright) with her.

  6. Jason330 says:

    SB, Agreed about the Republicans eventually falling in line with the shot callers – but – Pandora is right. Newt is furious and this is going to get very messy.

    Billions will be spent (by wingnuts) to hurt Romney over the next few months.

  7. pandora says:

    Perhaps, Ben, but once she endorses she’s done. She’ll have her 15 more minutes. My bet is she waits – tossing out teasers to keep herself in the news.

  8. socialistic ben says:

    well jason, with all the Santorum flying around, mess is a guarantee.
    I think you’re right pandora. it will be her final act.. here’s to hoping she makes Romney actively seek her endorsement…. and then not get it.

  9. pandora says:

    Yup, Newt’s the wild card. I’m thinking he’d rather see a President Obama than a President Romney. The upcoming debates should be fun. Romney has, for some reason, been given a pass by the other candidates during the debates. My guess is that’s about to change… in spectacular fashion.

  10. pandora says:

    Via Twitter:

    James Novogrod
    @JamieNBCNews James Novogrod
    Breaking – Bachmann has apparently cancelled her South Carolina trip; her campaign has called a press conference at 10amCT.

    TPM reports, as well.

    Is she getting out? More votes for Santorum?

  11. socialistic ben says:

    Finally. Of all the reasons i dislike Chris Matthews, creating Michelle Bachman is the biggest. He just couldnt let that first interview go and kept talking about her. Yes, the rest of MSNBC deserves blame for running with it and making her a figure, but Matthews really unleashed a banshee with that one.
    I’ve also heard that Bachmann staffers are complaining about sexism ….IN THE GOP?!?!?!?!?!!?…. They have every right to complain and feel bad about it, but i sure as hell hope none of them are surprised.