Thursday Open Thread [1.5.12]

Filed in Delaware by on January 5, 2012

The first post-Iowa Suffolk University poll in New Hampshire shows Mitt Romney with a huge lead at 41%, followed by Ron Paul at 18%, Rick Santorum at 8%, Newt Gingrich at 7%, Jon Huntsman at 7% and Rick Perry at 1%.

Washington state Gov. Christine Gregoire (D) says that on Monday she’ll introduce a full marriage equality bill for her state. “It’s time, it’s the right thing to do, and I will introduce a bill to do it.”

During two years of the Obama administration, almost four times as much clean energy has been put on the grid on public lands as in all the previous 40 years.

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  1. flutecake says:

    Yes, Eisnehower, Nixon and even Reagan are not extreme right enough for the Republican Party of today.

  2. puck says:

    Save some popcorn for this:

    Newt: “I will go to the NAACP convention, and tell the African-American community why they should demand paychecks instead of food stamps.”

    In other newts:

    ‘I’m not rich’ says Newt Gingrich (in New Hampshire)

    Stop cracking me up Newt, I am supposed to be getting some work done today.

  3. Jason330 says:

    Note to Newt, A dog whistle message isn’t a dog whistle message if everyone can hear it.

  4. socialistic ben says:

    interesting read. It kind of helps explain my “i know it’s been a let down, but the alternative is FAR WORSE” mentality. it doesnt matter here in De. Vote for whoever you want. it’s 3 piss-ant electoral votes that will go to the Dem no matter what.

  5. Here’s a funny. This UD graduate can’t keep his facts straight-

    PolitiFact N.J.: Christie’s claim – again – about Newark graduation rate gets Pants on Fire ranking

  6. puck says:

    Listening to Cordray on NPR now. By the time he finishes this interview, many bankers will need a change of underwear.

  7. anonymous says:

    How many of you are aware of the lack of drug/alcohol treatment centers in this State. Connections is a lousy organization letting people fall through the cracks. If your on medicaid and addict, you get 15 days in Delaware City and pushed back into the streets. What did you learn in those 15 days…you get a list of the crack dealers you previously didnt no about. Our citizens are going to prison for drug abuse in enormous numbers costing taxpayers $32,000 a year, when a drug rehab clinic is around $3,000. Now all you conservatives out there should be pushing for this state to come up with some bucks to fund drug rehabs, not prisons.

    This month a man on death row is scheduled to be executed. How many of you think Jack Markell and the Board of Pardons/Parole will give him a life sentence rather than a death sentence. Who wants bets?

  8. anonymous says:

    Jerusalem Post, the Independent and Common Dreams reporting a massive troop build up. Yep, our President is sending scores of US soldiers to Israel? Last week the Pentagon delivered $678 million weapons of mass destruction to the UAE. WAR is on the demorats and repuke minds. Just like Iraq, using the same ole bungled, fiction and fake insiders Obama and his Generals are rallying for another war. Russia and China both state: If the US and Israel attack Iran, we will support Iran. Here we go 2012…another war following the Bush regimes PNAC documents 7 muslim countries on the war games board. If you thought all the repukes were insane for calling for a war on Iran, why about these demorats?

  9. anonone says:

    anonymous on at 5:21 pm: Do you have links for this?

  10. puck says:

    anonymous on at 5:21 pm: Do you have links for this?

  11. pandora says:

  12. anonymous says:, jerusalem post. its all over the internet.

  13. anonymous says:


  14. MJ says:

    So this is just a drill, which the US has done with many of its allies for years and years and years. This is not news, but your railing about it as if all of a sudden we’re stationing troops permanently in Israel, like we have in Kuwait, is pure bullshit.

    I even participated in one when I was in the Army – it was called REFORGER (REturn of FORces to GERmany). And guess what, when it was over, the troops went back to their home bases.

  15. anonymous says:

    More on troop movement. UK just sent their most powerful ship in their fleet to the Gulf. If these are drills, why would they do that? To provoke Iran into doing something stupid so they can attack them? There is not a peep out of the US corporate owned media about any of this. If you want international news or any news other than the clown club show you have to go overseas. has information. had a story.

    George Galloway has warned the UK that if they attack Iran, Iran will not sit back, they will fire missles that can reach London and elsewhere in Europe.

  16. anonymous says:

    Haha! MJ: more reputable source. So in your view unless its in WAPO or the NYT its not reputable. WAPO had to print something since the story has been all over international news for more than 2 weeks.

  17. puck says:

    Like London is afraid of a few missiles. Those would be the last missiles ever fired by Iran. And none of Iran’s neighbors are going to spring to its defense.

  18. MJ says:

    Anonymous – you’re a fool. The drills with Israel and the US are not going on in the Persian Gulf, so where is the provocation? And the UK has every right to sail in international waters as does the US.

    Your links did not work. At least the story I linked to gave a full accounting of what was happening, not some clipped version like you posted to get across a phony point.

    You failed, big boy. Now go and tuck tail and leave the discussion to actual adults who know what they’re talking about.

  19. anonymous says:

    You asswipe. The story was all over the international press until WAPO couldnt ignore it any more. Did you miss the part that thousands of US soldiers are in Israel?

    The problem with you MJ is that no one can make any statement about Israel without you calling names. Your a fool for Israel. Like them so much move there.

  20. anonymous says:

    You libs think this is funny, huh! No problem. George Galloway on youtube as well as Ray McGovern are speaking out vehemently against this provocation. They believe the fools in the military will have faulty intelligence (like Iraq) and a strike that cannot be taken back, will bring about WW3. Iran is not Iraq. Iran has every right to defend itself…isnt that what Israel says all time while bombing the hell of the Palestinans. And yes, sane people are very concerned about Iran missiles hitting London. Pay attention to state politics you know very little about foreign matters. While every repuke running would bomb Iran in a heartbeat.

  21. puck says:

    So in this WW3, who would fight on the side of Iran?

  22. MJ says:

    No, anonymous, you’re the asshat. You spout off as if this is some prelude to an attack on Iran, when in fact, this is a repeat of military exercises that have taken place in the past. Maybe you forgot about the first Iraq war when Israel was hit by SCUD missles fired by Iraq.

    And your “love it or leave it” comment reveals you to be the ignoramus your really are. You’re actually the one who knows very little about foreign affairs.

    Now be gone before I unleash my flying monkeys on you.