Republican on Republican Crime [It’s Enjoyable]

Filed in National by on January 13, 2012

The last 10 seconds that stood out: “And just like John Kerry, [Romney] speaks French, too.”

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  1. socialistic ben says:

    I say in 5 months, Newt is supporting Romney, shamelessly denying he ever hated him and threatening to sue anyone who says otherwise.

  2. nemski says:

    Bwah ha ha ha ha.

  3. puck says:

    I hope Louisiana Democrats clean up on the fact that Republicans think saying “Laissez les bon temps rouler” makes you un-American.

  4. pandora says:

    That is so sad, and so funny… in a pathetic sort of way.

    Also, what’s a Republican doing trying to pump up his educational cred. I thought they were against smart people!