Archive for January, 2012

Saturday Open Thread [1.21.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 21, 2012 20 Comments

Newton Leroy Gingrich is headed for a massive blowout win in South Carolina. In last night’s polling, PPP had Gingrich racing away at 40%, with Romney stuck at 26%. In their final three day sample, the PPP poll has Gingrich leading with 37%, followed by Mitt Romney at 28%, Rick Santorum at 16% and Ron Paul at 14%. So you can see the obvious trend. I would not be surprised if Gingrich gets well above 45% tonight. If he gets a majority, then the GOP primary will be rocked to its core.

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Filed in National by on January 21, 2012 0 Comments

Delaware’s unemployment rate fell to 7.4-percent last month from 7.6% in November, according to the Department of Labor. Nationally, more good news.

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Filed in National by on January 21, 2012 1 Comment

“I sometimes wonder if the Republican Party has become the receding roar of white America as it pines for a way of life that will never return,” – David Brooks.

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The South Carolina Ad War

Filed in National by on January 21, 2012 3 Comments

Not living in a primary state, and not watching cable or network news all that much, and also not wanting to subject myself to have the horrible spectacle of the Republican primary ads. I saw the Perry and Huntsman ads earlier this fall. But none of the nonsense in the New Year. So here we go. Ready…

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Delaware SnOMG.

Filed in Delaware by on January 21, 2012 9 Comments

So how are the roads out there. I have a party to go to at 11, so hopefully it is all cleared up by then. Here is an update from Jim Westhoff from DelDOT.

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Saturday Daily Delawhere [1.21.12]

Filed in Delaware by on January 21, 2012 6 Comments
Saturday Daily Delawhere [1.21.12]

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Nothing to See Here, Move Along

Filed in Science and Health by on January 21, 2012 1 Comment

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Newt – Answer the Friggin Question

Filed in National by on January 20, 2012 5 Comments

In typical teabag-rethuglican manner, Newt Gingrich, who is closing in on a win in tomorrow’s primary in South Carolina, attacked CNN newsman and debate anchor John King for asking a legitimate question about his ex-wife’s interview with ABC News.

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Romney Doesn’t Want To Give Obama A Present

Filed in National by on January 20, 2012 20 Comments

Romney says “I’ll release [my tax returns] on April 15, and the reason is very simple: I want to beat Barack Obama. I don’t want to give the Democrats a nice little present of having multiple releases. We’re going to have one release.”
This really makes no sense… unless it really is a gift.

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Romney National Support Collapsing

Filed in National by on January 20, 2012 2 Comments

>Gallup’s Editor-in-chief Frank Newport appeared on MSNBC to talk about the polling organization’s national tracking poll of the GOP primary race, which is changing rapidly in the last few days of the campaign for South Carolina. Newport said when their new data comes out at 1 pm eastern, “…we’ll see this gap closing more. Romney was up 23 points over Newt Gingrich. Now it will be down about ten points, so clearly things are collapsing.

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Friday Open Thread [1.20.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on January 20, 2012 4 Comments

Tomorrow’s the big day: the day when Newt Gingrich actually wins a Presidential primary. I never thought I’d see this day come. Truly horrifying and utterly hysterical all at once.

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Delaware 2012 Political Weekly-Jan. 14-20

Filed in National by on January 20, 2012 35 Comments

1. Wilmington Mayoral Candidates Disagree on Riverfront Hotel Deal.

The issue, of course, is whether the city should pay a $1 million ransom to the developers. As usual, I’m of two minds on this. I don’t believe that the City should have to do this. After all, if the project is this financial windfall that’s being projected, why shouldn’t the developers pay for it themselves? OTOH, government at every level in Delaware has already prostituted itself time and time again to pave the way for ‘economic development’. Sometimes it pays off, sometimes it doesn’t. In other words, to paraphrase George Bernard Shaw, the developers have already determined that we are whores, they’re only dickering over price. Bill Montgomery and Scott Spencer support the $1 mill guarantee. Dennis Williams, Bob Marshall and Rev. Derrick Johnson say they oppose it. Kevin Kelley is still reviewing it. Anyway, that’s not the reason I included this in my wrapup. After reading the Esteban Parra story, I was struck that there was more civility and substance in this discussion than in the entirety of the Kareening Klown Kar that is the Rethuglican presidential nominating process.

What are the other top political stories of the week? Check inside.

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Friday Daily Delawhere [1.20.12]

Filed in Delaware by on January 20, 2012 3 Comments
Friday Daily Delawhere [1.20.12]

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