Christine Might Have to Get a Job

Filed in National by on February 6, 2012

Christine O’Donnell’s political action committee, ChristinePAC and her Senate campaign have a combined $35,100 at the end of 2011, according to her latest campaign finance reports reported first by Chad Livengood at the News Journal.

O’Donnell set a state record by spending more than $6.1 million. Overall, she took in more than $7 million, most in the final two months of the campaign, and left nearly $1 million unspent. That $1 million was spent paying for her and her campaign’s defense to an investigation by the FEC into her campaign spending pracitices (i.e. living off contributions), 2) paying lawyers to file frivolous counterclaims against watchdog groups, and 3) setting up ChristinePAC.

With such a paltry sum in an election year, I think it is safe to assume that Christine will not be a losing candidate again in 2012. With the poor reception her book received, and how hilariously her endorsement of Mitt Romney played out, Christine O’Donnell may also be finished as a national talking head. I mean, aside from losing statewide campaigns in spectactular fashion, being a guest on Fox News is the only thing she is really qualified to do. If Wingnut Welfare cuts her off, what is she to do?

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  1. Jason330 says:

    I predict that the wingnut welfare gravy train will keep rolling for Christine. The paymasters don’t seem very results oriented. She simply needs to keep being an outraged victim and she’ll do okay.

  2. I don’t agree, Jason. I don’t think she’s a wingnut in good standing. She lost a Senate seat for the Republicans.

  3. MJ says:

    And she endorsed Rmoney.

  4. Jason330 says:

    Perhaps. Republican media just has thousands of hours of programming to fill up with their hate and gibberish. They also have real short memories.

  5. Geezer says:

    So can we now add “can’t manage money” to her resume?

  6. auntie dem says:

    She’s a Republican. Of course she can’t manage money. Remember how we got here.

  7. Geezer says:

    True that, Auntie. But we seldom get such a clear example.

  8. MJ says:

    If y’all want some good laughs, go read the thread over at DP on this very same subject. If you ever doubted that Jonathon Moseley was totally unglued, his comments will convice you how insane he really is.

  9. anonymous says:

    What could have possibly done with all that money? They are all insane hypocrits..whats new?