Sign the Petition, Send Them Back to the Rock They Should Be Hiding Under

Filed in National by on February 6, 2012

On Facebook, there is a page called “One Million Moms”. This is an effort by the American Family Association that exists to mobilize conservative women to push back on advertising and products that they think are too gay friendly — or as they put it “standing up for their children”. This Facebook page is a cesspool of hate speech, mostly focused on gay people, but if you are The Other, you are not spared here. This group recently has started campaigning against JC Penney, who is advertising on the Ellen DeGeneres show.

Attacking people who are different from them is standard behavior from the right. Of course, gay people and people of non-Christian religions are the current targets. So we need people to do three things:\\

1. Go to the OMM page on Facebook, scroll down and hit the Report Hate Speech button. Hate speech is supposedly not allowed on Facebook, so the more people who report this page, the better.

2. Sign this petition, asking Facebook to take this bigoted page down, following their own rules and guidelines.

3. Pass this petition on to your friends and family, asking them to sign it and pass it on.

Bigotry is NOT a family value.

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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

Comments (4)

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  1. MJ says:

    Done and done!

  2. Aoine says:

    done and done too

  3. Joanne Christian says:

    You know what’s really a shame…. Ellen’s comedic style has always been intentionally family friendly, and never relied on going blue. She pulls it off w/ her physical comedy, self questioning, awkward encounters, and miscommunications. If EVER those moms wanted to show/teach their children the character of her celebrity, the discussion of her private life (as if we really even have a right to discuss that–but face it–we’re Americans), would be inconsequential. They would find they had more in common. You keep dancin’ Ellen!