Tuesday Open Thread [2.14.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on February 14, 2012

Aurora 2012 from Christian Mülhauser on Vimeo.

Newt Gingrich has promised to stay in the race for the duration, and he is even predicting that he will experience a third surge. Hey, its possible.


NATIONAL (PEW): Santorum 30, Romney 28, Gingrich 17, Paul 12.

NATIONAL (CBS NEWS): Santorum 30, Romney 27, Paul 12, Gingrich 10

NATIONAL (Gallup Tracking): Romney 32, Santorum 30, Gingrich 16, Paul 8

MICHIGAN (American Research Group): Santorum 33, Romney 27, Gingrich 21, Paul 12

MICHIGAN (PPP): Santorum 39, Romney 24, Paul 12, Gingrich 11


NATIONAL (Pew): Obama d. Romney (52-44); Obama d. Santorum (53-43); Obama d. Gingrich (57-39)

Romney has some issues:

NATIONAL (http://www.rasmussenreports.com/public_content/politics/obama_administration/daily_presidential_tracking_poll): Obama d. Romney (48-42); Obama d. Santorum (49-41)

MINNESOTA (SurveyUSA): Obama d. Paul (48-37); Obama d. Romney (49-36); Obama d. Santorum (51-32); Obama d. Gingrich (55-29)


MASSACHUSETTS (WBUR-MassINC poll): Elizabeth Warren (D) d. Sen. Scott Brown (R), 46% to 43%.


HAWAII ( Honolulu Star Advertiser): Rep. Mazie Hirono (D-HI) d. former Rep. Ed Case (D-HI), 56% to 36%.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    Anyone else heard the news about Mike Miller primarying Andy Staton? it is from Gaffney’s twitter page so possible BS.

  2. thenewphil says:

    I came here for the exact same reason…

  3. thenewphil says:

    Also, MJ is there a map of the Cape School Disctrict “Areas” anywhere?

  4. jpconnorjr says:

    The guy that put out signs with the wrong date for the election:)? He would provide a light warm up lap for the general election

  5. Jason330 says:

    Anyone else see this, where Santorun calls out President Obama for siding with the 99%?

    “… That’s not what a leader of this country should do but Barack Obama has sided with the 99 versus one.”
    “He supported this movement, this movement that is intolerant and disrespectful. He supported them and embraced them,” Santorum said to loud cheers from his supporters. “Why? Because it’s consistent with exactly what Barack Obama’s trying to do with this country.”


    Could anyone imagine the day when someone running for President would publicly side with one percent? Did anyone, other than the most twisted right winger, think it would be anything but political suicide to call out a President for siding with the American people?

  6. Geezer says:

    “Anyone else heard the news about Mike Miller primarying Andy Staton?”

    He could better spend the money on a mental health evaluation.

  7. anon says:

    Mitch Crain is running for Insurance Commissioner!



    The Department of Elections says so. And Elaine Manlove can’t be wrong.


  8. MJ says:

    Phil – Sussex County Elections office should have a map of the Cape school district areas. This year Camilla Conlon’s seat in Area D is up. She’s not running for reelection as all of her kids have graduated and she said she would retire after the last one left. I’ve heard rumors about who is going to run, but not at liberty to say anything at this point.

    Regarding Mike Miller, I need to go back and find that post I wrote about him back in 2010 and his rant about how the party owed him the Congressional seat.

  9. thenewphil says:

    ugh, we live in the dark ages down here. i’d rather not go to georgetown if i can help it.

  10. MJ says:

    Area D covers Dewey (down to the Indian River Bridge) Rehoboth, Midway, over to Beacon (I think).

    Try this – http://electionssc.delaware.gov/forms/SD%20MAPS/CAPE%20SD%20-%206.pdf

  11. anon says:

    Eric Bodenweiser is out there recruiting “Christians” for school board seats so every school board in Sussex can have an expensive lawsuit that takes money away from reading and writing and spends it on forcing Jesus down everyone’s throat.

    Jordon Warfel is running in western Sussex, Warfel thinks that bullying policies in public schools are bad because “Christians” may not be able to convert your children during school hours.

    They don’t think evolution should be taught in school. They want to ban books like “Harold and the Purple Crayon,” they think the answer to all education problems is putting Christian prayer back into public schools.

    This is no joke. These are the people who cheered when Glen Urquhart said that separation of church and state was a Nazi idea. Be afraid, be very afraid.

  12. Jason330 says:

    The “Club for Growth” is going to O’Donnell Senator Richard Lugar in Indianan, and I LOVE IT!

  13. think123 says:

    Since this is open thread – time for my story about Dodd-Frank, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and M & T bank.

    October last year I requested a $250 rewards gift card for some of the credit card points I’ve been racking up. The end of November, nothing. I called and got the “This is Peggy” treatment you see on the Capital One TV ads.

    Peggy said that since Wilmington Trust changed to M&T, the rewards points are outsourced, the first outsource company was switched, and with all the switching around – maybe my $250 rewards would be coming some time soon perhaps . . . I figured maybe in time for Christmas? But no. Never got it.

    Made another call, by the end of January still had nada. So . . . why not use the brand new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau? I go online, there it is, even had a category for “rewards”. I filled out the simple complaint form online, got a speedy CFPB reply saying “We’re On It”. Ten days later viola . . I get a letter from M&T with an email from CFPB saying the card is on the way.

    Damn I love big powerful government, otherwise the bank had me by the balls.