Archive for February, 2012

Friday Open Thread [2.10.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on February 10, 2012 11 Comments

Gingrich’s sugar daddy, casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, says he is done contributing to the Super PAC backing Newt Gingrich’s presidential campaign. So that is the end of Gingrich.

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Delaware Political Weekly: February 4-10, 2012

Filed in National by on February 10, 2012 19 Comments

Missed this one last week, but someone named Ben Mobley, who is running for Insurance Commissioner on the R side, failed to file his campaign finance report. Celia Cohen, who still covers Rethug politics, at least New Castle County-style, has what passes for the story here. BTW, Mobley is an ‘investment advisor’ at Morgan Stanley. Don’t they have to know some legal thingies? Maybe it’s other legal thingies… Doesn’t matter. He will not be our next IC. But, if you can stomach it, here is Ben Mobley with an ever-smarmier Charlie ‘Bouvier de Flandres’ Copeland channeling his inner Mitt Romney. FWIW, I like Mobley a lot better in this clip than Copeland. Just look at the studied casualness of Copeland’s attire.

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The Delaware Liberal Tracking Poll

Filed in Delaware by on February 10, 2012 2 Comments

You may have noticed in the center column of the site, we have a poll question regarding the job performance of Governor Markell. Currently, the Governor has a 69% approval rating (27% approve, 42% strongly approve), and a 22% disapproval rating (17% disapprove, 5% strongly). And 9% of you either don’t care, don’t know or are “meh” when it comes to the Governor.

Now, an internet poll is in no way accurate (although, real polls of the Governor’s job performance have similar findings, with approval in the 60’s). We are not dealing with a random sample here. And the sample size is way too small (64 people at last count). Still, I thought it would be fun to have a new tracking poll feature each day that polls the politically motivated and passionate in Delaware. Each day of the week we will poll on a different office holder or candidate.

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Let’s Do This Again

Filed in Delaware by on February 10, 2012 31 Comments
Let’s Do This Again

Yesterday we showed the new Delaware Democratic Party logo, but there was just a small problem with it. The vendor misspelled “Democratic” by adding a third “c.” And to be fair to the staff at the Del Dems, I missed it when I first looked at it, because my attention was drawn to the Hen. Click inside to see the revised new logo, and the secondary logo that we have not seen yet, that I love even better, and see how much better these logos are than the logos of the past.

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Friday Daily Delawhere [2.10.12]

Filed in Delaware by on February 10, 2012 3 Comments
Friday Daily Delawhere [2.10.12]

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Music I Like: Part of a Continuing Series

Filed in National by on February 9, 2012 0 Comments

Allow me to (self-)indulge you with my first new roundup of 2012. I missed this last year, would’ve easily been in my Top 10, especially appropriate after today’s ‘settlement’: Ry Cooder: ‘No Banker Left Behind.’ Other videos: Michael Kiwanuka: ‘I’m Getting Ready,’ Chuck Prophet: ‘White Night, Big City,’ Carolina Chocolate Drops: ‘Memphis Shakedown,’ Eilen Jewell & the Sacred Shakers: ’12 Gates to the City,’ and Reverend Gary Davis: ‘Death Don’t Have No Mercy’

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Tom Wagner: First the Coverup. Now the Whitewash.

Filed in National by on February 9, 2012 12 Comments

State Auditor Tom Wagner‘s successful coverup of possible, OK, likely, criminal behavior, on the part of former House Majority Leader Dick Cathcart is almost complete. But only if you let him and Cathcart get away with it.

Just in time for Super Bowl weekend, Wagner ‘dumped’ the long-awaited report that told us what we already knew. It actually told us less than we already knew, and the name missing from the report is ‘Cathcart’.

But, I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s start from the beginning.

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Thursday Open Thread [2.9.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on February 9, 2012 6 Comments

Earlier this morning I said Rush Limbaugh was right. It pained me to type those words, but in that instance, in describing his own party, his own base, he should be right since they follow his command. Rush being right in that context is far different than being right morally, legally and ethically. Like Bill O’Reilly is in the following instance. Click through for that and more polling goodness.

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NAACP Issues Charter School Resolution

Filed in Delaware, National by on February 9, 2012 10 Comments

Here’s what caught my attention:

WHEREAS, in some cases, charter schools have become a school model that is used
to segregate students; and

Ya think? Charter Schools have also allowed School Districts to shift their responsibilities to these students to Charters. Which is why I’ve always wondered why Charter proponents wanted to serve on Public School Boards. Always struck me as being an employee of Pepsi, but promoting Coke. And you gotta love the way a Public School District Board’s plan for your public school is to give it away. It’s almost as if they’re saying, “Hey, we stink at this education thingy, so we’ll give it to someone else.”

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Thought of the Day

Filed in National by on February 9, 2012 25 Comments

Rick Santorum is a Catholic. Mitt Romney is a Mormon. The GOP is picking a fight with the President about the Catholic Church’s desire not to provide health insurance for their employees that includes coverage for birth control. I wonder if Rick Santorum’s recent success is connected….

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The Delaware Dems Have a New Logo

Filed in Delaware by on February 9, 2012 12 Comments
The Delaware Dems Have a New Logo

As an aside, I post as Delaware Dem, which is a name I created in 2003 as the name I posted under when Daily Kos was launched. But just because my name is Delaware Dem here does not mean I have any connection to the Delaware Democratic Party. I don’t. In no way do I speak for them, and given the shouting matches I have had with John Daniello, he would agree. But I digress… Click inside to see the full logo….

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Yet Another Misunderstanding of what “Free Speech” Means…..

Filed in National by on February 9, 2012 5 Comments

Professor Connell may have had grounds for wrongful termination or suspension. He may have had grounds for libel. But the one thing I know without a shadow of a doubt: his “Free Speech” rights were not trampled upon or violated in any way. People across the political spectrum and throughout society wrongfully believe the First Amendment right to Free Speech means that every American has the right to say anything they want at any time they want at any place they want without any consequence whatsoever.

They are wrong.

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An Interesting Paul Clark Move

Filed in Delaware by on February 9, 2012 6 Comments

New Castle County has halted sheriff’s sales for homeowners delinquent on their property taxes. County Executive Paul Clark said he issued the executive order Wednesday because of recently released statistics from Dover that show Delaware has the third-highest mortgage foreclosure rate in the country.

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