Gay Marriage is Inevitable in Delaware

Filed in National by on March 2, 2012

So says Governor Markell. As the arc of any free society bends towards equality and justice, his statement on full equality is a no-brainer.

In an interview with Reuters Insider TV, Markell, a Democrat, said he expects that Delaware will take up same-sex marriage legislation “probably within the next few years.” Delaware began allowing civil unions — an institution set up to give the same rights as civil marriage, while reserving marriage for heterosexual couples — last year.

Markell noted that until three years ago it was legal in Delaware “to discriminate on the basis of sexual orientation,” and said the state was moving towards greater acceptance of homosexuality.

“I think it’s inevitable,” he said of gay marriage.

Damn straight it’s inevitable. It is time for the bigots to wake up to that notion. In the meantime, I expect a full self righteous indignant freak out on the right. And a loud one too. When a bigoted minority party knows it is dying and knows its discriminatory policies are being reversed forever, it has nothing left to do but scream at the top of its lungs. But that bark has no bite.

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  1. I’ve submitted this to be a guest post here later today, but in the meantime, here’s a link to the post on our own site:

    Bill Humphrey

  2. 12 says:

    Who cares – Let them marry and be miserable like the rest of us..

  3. John Rieley says:

    Marriage is a sacrament not a license granted by the state.

  4. Delaware Dem says:

    Then why does the state issue Marriage Licenses?

  5. AQC says:

    Churches do not have to offer the sacrament, but, there are those churches that realize same sex couples can take the sacrament. It wasn’t that long ago my daughter could not have married her Black husband.

  6. Delaware Dem says:

    Indeed. What we are talking about here is Marriage Licenses issued by the state. No gay marriage law forces any house of worship to marry people. If some houses of worship want to offer the sacrament to same sex couples, they are free to do so, and some already do. So this is not about churches. This is about getting the state to issue Marriage Licenses to same sex couples. That is all this is about, and if anyone says otherwise, they are lying.