Monday Open Thread [3.12.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 12, 2012

An ABC News/Washington Post poll indicates that 60 percent of Americans say the war in Afghanistan is not worth its costs, and Republicans are evenly divided on whether the war has been worth it. Indeed 54% say the United States should withdraw its forces from Afghanistan without completing its current effort to train Afghan forces to become self-sufficient. With the recent and disgusting murders by an American soldier, we need to hightail it out of there. And soon.

Despite previous statements that he would drop out if he does not win in Mississippi and Alabama, Newt Gingrich is now in it till the end. Romney must have promised him VP or something.

REPUBLICAN PRIMARY — PRESIDENT — It is going to be a toss up on Tuesday in the Deep South Primary.

ILLINOIS (Chicago Tribune/WGN-TV): Romney 35, Santorum 31, Gingrich 12, Paul 7
MISSISSIPPI (PPP): Gingrich 33, Romney 31, Santorum 27, Paul 7.
ALABAMA (PPP): Romney 31, Gingrich 30, Santorum 29, Paul 8


In a new Pew Center poll, 61 percent said the economic stimulus plan in 2009 mostly helped the economy, while just 31 percent thought it mostly hurt. 56 percent described the bailouts for General Motors and Chrysler as mostly good for the economy, compared to 38 percent who thought the bailout was mostly bad for the economy.

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  1. fightingbluehen says:

    No blood for oil. The Commander in Chief should get us out of Afghanistan and do some justice to his Nobel Peace Prize.

  2. Jason330 says:

    It has to be killing Santorum that he would be cruising to the nomination if Newt dropped.

  3. Jason330 says:

    What is the GOP nomination this year, if not a contest to select the king freak?

    Did you see these polling numbers?

    Alabama GOP Primary voters

    Do you think Barack Obama is a Christian or a Muslim, or are you not sure?
    Christian: 14
    Muslim: 45
    Not sure: 41

    Do you believe in evolution, or not?
    Believe in evolution: 26
    Do not: 60
    Not sure: 13

    Mississippi Republican Primary voters:

    Do you think Barack Obama is a Christian or a Muslim, or are you not sure?
    Christian: 12
    Muslim: 52
    Not sure: 36

    Do you believe in evolution, or not?
    Believe in evolution: 22
    Do not: 66
    Not sure: 11

    Given the composition of the base, it would be impossible for the GOP to NOT pick an insane a-hole as their leader.

  4. Digby says:

    A rouge soldier suffering from mental illness brutally murders sixteen and it is an international story of the highest priority…and rightfully so. Yet, Obama and his drones have murdered at least twenty times that many innocent people and it barely gets mentioned anywhere. The vast majority of the Obama murders violate international law and have occurred in a country with whom we are not at war. But again, we hear nothing. It is all very troubling. We need to get out of that region immediately.

  5. Geezer says:

    Interesting that two conservatives think we should get out of Afghanistan. Maybe if the right starts to complain about the war Obama will listen; he certainly hasn’t listened to the left.

  6. Joanne Christian says:

    Speaking of drones…just when you thought you couldn’t buy a bigger bomb…drones going for commercial purchase in May. Be the first on your block.

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