Monday Open Thread [3.19.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 19, 2012

Romney looks to be heading to a significant win in Illinois, which makes me wonder why the hell Rick Santorum wasted time in Puerto Rico sunning himself. That time lounging may have been better spent campaigning in deep red sections of downstate Illinois.

ILLINOIS (PPP): Romney 45, Santorum 30, Gingrich 12 and Paul 10.
ILLINOIS (American Research Group): Romney 44, Santorum 30, Gingrich 13, and Paul 8.

INDIANA (Global Strategies Group): Sen. Dick Lugar (R) d. Richard Mourdock (R), 45% to 39%. That spells danger for Lugar. If Lugar is defeated, this seat because a good pickup opportunity for the Dems in the fall.

NEW JERSEY (Farleigh Dickinson): Sen. Robert Menendez (D) d. Joe Kyrillos (R), 43% to 33%.

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  1. PBaumbach says:

    this from the Wall Street Journal:

    Mike Huckabee, the former Republican governor of Arkansas and onetime presidential candidate, will go head-to-head with Rush Limbaugh in a syndicated radio show beginning April 9.

  2. Geezer says:

    PB: That might cut into the ratings in flyover country, but that’s not Rush’s big demographic anyway. Huck pulls hicks and rubes who loves them some Jeebus. Rush attracts the Angry White Male.

  3. thenewphil says:

    Andy Staton has a primary in the 6th Senate race.

  4. Jefferson says:

    Delaware places 22nd in anti-corruption protections.

  5. MJ says:

    A bit late, phil. There have been comments about Frederick running for the past few days. Anyway, until he actually files, he’s not a candidate. And the only reason he’s running, as he’s told a number of us in the 6th SD and 14th RD is because he believes there should be a primary because it’s an open seat. Not a terribly convincing argument.