Republican War On Women – Alaska Style

Filed in National by on March 21, 2012

There’s a lot of lady parts business going on in Alaska.  They have a forced ultrasound bill, a bill that “forbids full disclosure of pregnancy options and referrals for abortions,” and…

Via Mudflats:

Abortion Permission Slips from Men

And if you’re not fully convinced yet that Alaska is the next front in the GOP’s war on women, you just have to listen to State Rep. Alan Dick. He said that he doesn’t believe that when a woman is pregnant, it’s really “her pregnancy.” As a matter of fact, he would advocate for criminalizing women who have an abortion without the permission via written signature from the man who impregnated her. He stated, “If I thought that the man’s signature was required… required, in order for a woman to have an abortion, I’d have a little more peace about it…”   He didn’t say whether a rapist would be able to send his signature by fax from prison, or not. But he’ll have “peace” and women will require a permission slip for their own bodies.

State Rep. Alan Dick said that he doesn’t believe that when a woman is pregnant, it’s really “her pregnancy.”

Whose pregnancy is it then?  Oh… it’s the man’s!  What a silly woman I am.

“If I thought that the man’s signature was required… required, in order for a woman to have an abortion, I’d have a little more peace about it…”

So… abortion is okay if a man gives his permission?  This isn’t about abortion, or the fetus… and it never was.

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About the Author ()

A stay-at-home mom with an obsession for National politics.

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  1. Liberal Elite says:

    Silly pandora… It’s always been about controlling women.

    If they care so much about the fetus, then why do they care so little for the unwanted baby???

    It could have been worse. He could have advocated putting the decision in the hands of the man. It really is something the man should decide… they know what’s best.

  2. puck says:

    At some point this nonsense has got to start flipping statehouses Democrat as well as national offices.

  3. cassandra m says:

    Somewhat off-topic, but what about this AZ legislator who thinks that women should actually witness their abortions?

    I just want to know what woman has been able to engineer NOT being present at their procedure. Seriously.

  4. pandora says:

    I can’t keep up with all the crazy! I should start writing about Republican job’s bills – I’d have a lot of free time. 😉

  5. reality check says:

    Well take heart. At least the Senator who calls himself “A. Dick” is identifying himself appropriately

  6. Aoine says:

    well – this begs the question –

    when Sen. A. Dick ejaculates into a woman does she get a permission slip from him allowing her to then allow HIS sperm to drip into the shower or the toilet when she washes up or relieves herself?? Can she douche? into the toilet or does it need to be collected and given back to him??

    after all – it is the “almighty life-giving essence” and if they want to control women’s bodies how about them controling their own bodies and the emissions thereof? does she need to stand on her head in a corner for a set period of time (the little suckers are still viable after several hours)util the government is satisfied they are no longer motile?

    or is ejaculated sperm to be treated just like trash – once its put out of your house you lose right of ownership and determination of how it is disposed of??

    Do they want to keep going down this road – where is the end of this slippery slope

    personally, I will take a vow of chastity before I go thru all that – sucks to be a guy tho – disposal of ejaculate would be regulated – so much for masturbation……

  7. Shorter GOP: shut up incubator, your opinion is not wanted.

  8. Aoine says:

    @UI = absolutely!

  9. anon says:

    We fought these f*cking battles 40 years ago and won for a reason.

  10. Grin says:

    A doctor weighs in the the new laws making their way around the states.

    From the post:
    “After all, it’s our hands that will supposedly be used to insert medical equipment (tools of HEALING, for the sake of all that is good and holy) into the vaginas of coerced women.”

    Go read the whole thing, he/or she has some interesting things to say to doctors.

  11. Geezer says:

    My favorite part of the GOP response, voiced most recently by Virginia Gov. Bob McConnell (whose approval rating slipped 13 net points after the Wand of Revenge bill): It’s the Democrats trying to avoid talking about Obama’s record.

    Yeah, right. Because 24 months of improving private-sector employment and the lowest level of imported petroleum use in this milennium are somehow indefensible.

    Flat-out lying is all they have left, and the lying isn’t even subtle anymore.

  12. smyrnadudette says:

    His last name says it all!