Delaware Liberal Tracking Poll Results — Karen Weldin Stewart (Round 2)

Filed in Delaware by on March 23, 2012

Delaware’s most unpopular politician, two months running. 64% strongly disapproved of KWS last month, and 64% strongly disapproved this month. Now that is consistent rejection. More shocking: 18% just regularly disapproved of her last month, and 18% disapprove of her this month. Still more shocking: 12% strongly approve of her this month, and 12% strongly approved of her last month. Yes, the poll figures are almost exactly the same. I checked it several times to be sure.

Do you approve or disapprove of the job performance of Insurance Commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart?

Strongly Disapprove — 64% (64%)
Disapprove — 18% (18%)
Strongly Approve — 12% (12%)
Undecided / Unsure / Meh — 4% (6%)
Approve — 1% (1%)

Total Votes: 76. Started: March 22, 2012 (Prior Poll dated February 16, 2012)

Yes, the totals don’t equal zero because of rounding up and down. I am still amazed that we got the exact same result. Karen, that is a sign from God. Get out of this race now.

Next up: Congressman John Carney.

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  1. Jason330 says:

    If it was a poll of insurance company CEOs that wanted more freedom to rip off Delawareans, the results would be exactly opposite.

  2. anontoo says:

    Karen Weldin Stewart is too stupid and arrogant to know when to quit. Hope you’ll all attend the forum of IC candidates this Monday. No doubt she’ll be there convinced of her own blinding brilliance. It should be a hoot.

  3. mediawatch says:

    KWS looking at these numbers in very positive fashion. She held her own within a group of voters who hold her in absolute contempt.

  4. anontoo says:

    Typical of moron KWS, but she can’t help her stupidity.

  5. Idealist says:


    I’m really loving the enthusiasm, but let’s take it down a notch with the name calling.

  6. anontoo says:

    Ok, but they’re not just names, they’re facts.

  7. Idealist says:

    Be that as it may, you’re much more persuasive without it.

  8. anontoo says:

    So glad to see you’re using a real picture of KWS now instead of the high school glamour shot she put up everywhere after she took office. She had some new ones taken and put on the DOI website for what will be an unsuccessful campaign, and she even presumed to have the US flag in the background like she’s some kind of big shot national figure. Her delusions of grandeur just have no end.