Delaware’s most unpopular politician, two months running. 64% strongly disapproved of KWS last month, and 64% strongly disapproved this month. Now that is consistent rejection. More shocking: 18% just regularly disapproved of her last month, and 18% disapprove of her this month. Still more shocking: 12% strongly approve of her this month, and 12% strongly approved of her last month. Yes, the poll figures are almost exactly the same. I checked it several times to be sure.
Do you approve or disapprove of the job performance of Insurance Commissioner Karen Weldin Stewart?
Strongly Disapprove — 64% (64%)
Disapprove — 18% (18%)
Strongly Approve — 12% (12%)
Undecided / Unsure / Meh — 4% (6%)
Approve — 1% (1%)Total Votes: 76. Started: March 22, 2012 (Prior Poll dated February 16, 2012)
Yes, the totals don’t equal zero because of rounding up and down. I am still amazed that we got the exact same result. Karen, that is a sign from God. Get out of this race now.
Next up: Congressman John Carney.