Delaware Political Weekly: March 17-23, 2012

Filed in Delaware, National by on March 23, 2012

1. Two-Way Primary for New Castle County President

Both Bill Dunn and Renee Taschner filed for the Democratic nomination for New Castle County President this week. I will leave it to those who are more involved in County politics than I am to discuss the two candidates’ strengths and weaknesses. All I know for sure is that Bill Dunn does not support the agenda of Paul Clark or his developer enablers, and that, of course, is a big plus for me.

2. John Cartier Gets Primary for New Castle County Council Seat

While this may be of interest only to people in Brandywine Hundred, I’m from Brandywine Hundred and it’s of interest to me. I like John Cartier, and have personally campaigned for him. I also like his opponent, Richard T. Perillo, as Rep. Diana McWilliams and I worked with him and the Brandywine Hundred Fire Company on issues concerning the fire company. Perillo is the President of the Brandywine Hundred Fire Company. As near as I can tell, this primary is about whether or not John has sufficiently followed through on constituent concerns during his time in office. I don’t think, but I am not certain, that Paul Clark figures into this contest. John has been vocal about his opposition to Clark’s shenanigans, which is one of the things I like about him. Of course, it’s also possible that Tom Gordon’s St. Patty’s Day assertions that he is planning to run for County Executive again are more than just the beer talking, and Gordon has roots in the Bellefonte area, and he bankrolled Carl Colantuono in a last-second primary against Cartier last time. Just sayin’.  In other words, this is not a ‘Just Some Guy’ primary, and I’ll be following this one closely.

3. ‘Biff’ Lee Gets A D Opponent in Sussex House District

I like this, I like this a lot. Ray Adkins (no, not Atkins, be still, your beating heart) of Seaford has filed for the 40th RD seat. The district is currently represented by Rep. Clifford G. ‘Biff’ Lee (R-Laurel), a, wait for it, retired state trooper who inherited the legislative seat from his father upon his death. The district has a nominal D registration edge, so it’s not impossible that the right kind of Democrat, as defined by Sussex County voters, could win the seat. Adkins is a real estate agent, and it appears that portions of Seaford are new to the district, so this could be a sleeper race. What do our Sussex County spies think? Regardless, this is why candidate recruitment is so important, and also shows that Pete Schwartzkopf is damned good at it. I mean, does even Sussex County want to be represented by someone whose preferred name comes from a spelled-out Batman sound effect? That’s not fair. And I’m all about ‘the fair’. Here’s what the Merriam-Webster Dictionary has to say:

Definition of BIFF: whack, blow

— biff transitive verb

Examples of BIFF: “He got a biff in the noggin as his reward for trying to intervene in the fight between a former state cop and John Atkins.”

A former state cop with the nickname of Biff. Gotta love me some Sussex County.

4. ‘The Big Guy’ Files Against Odious George

That’s right. John Brady has filed for Sussex County Clerk of the Peace. The incumbent is George Parish. Parish, of course, was one of the most vociferous opponents to SB 30, although he has subsequently agreed to perform civil unions, which, after all, is only right, because that’s the law now. Not that ignoring the law has stopped Jeff Christopher. Or John Atkins.  I just love me some Sussex County.

5. Filings, We Have Filings. And A Withdrawal

Here’s what’s new since last week (excluding those that I’ve already highlighted): Rich Krett officially withdrew his candidacy for New Castle County Executive. Filings include: Hanifa Shabazz, Wilmington 4th Councilmanic District; Jess McVay, Register of Wills, Kent County( isn’t he the guy that tried to run on something like three different lines on the ballot last time?), why yes, yes he is:

Uh, back to the filings, already in progress…Samuel R. Wilson, Jr., Sussex County 2nd Councilmanic District. Hard to argue with this description from the official Sussex County Council website:

Mr. Wilson is a steadfast supporter of the Sussex County way of life and an unabashed promoter of traditional values. Whether the problem at hand is simple or complex, Mr. Wilson is quick to offer advice, usually with his unique brand of home-spun wisdom and common sense philosophy.

How could you possibly vote against someone like that? BTW, just askin’, is this Wilson related to this Wilson? Hope he’s every bit as much of a silver-tongued orator…

That’s it for this week. What’d I miss, and whaddayathink?


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  1. reality check says:

    Sam Wilson is the Tetley, Lipton, Red Rose etc. of “TEA” thinkers. He is not a silver-tongued orator rather a “rapier” tongued fundamentalist without the “rapier-like” wit. His social conservatism lies somewhere between the tar-pits and the neanderthal era.

  2. BREAKING: News-Journal reports that Sen. Venables says he will run for reelection this year.

  3. Renee Taschner’s issues page tells alot about what she either doesn’t know or isn’t telling. She devotes ink to re-development in Paul Clark-development lobby language as ‘save open space and repurpose vacant, delapitated properties”. The true story of redevelopment revolves around the transformation of perfectly viable, tax-producing sites like the Barley Mill Plaza into potential King of Prussia mall-sized ventures under this mew county land use law.

    Ask Taschner how she felt about the horrors bestowed upon us when Stoltz embraced the massive by-right entitlements of Pam Scott-Paul Clarky’s redevelopment ordinance and the dirty behind-closed-doors “negotiations” that pitted neighbor against neighbor.

    Also, even though it is repeated throughout the Clark 2012 Comp Plan (to be voted on by NCC Council April 10th), there isn’t a stitch of evidence that redevelopment saves open space. Nice theory but no cigar.

    I believe that the DEMs running for county positions will have a chance to speak to DEMs on April 16th at a Milltown area Democratic special meeting. I am looking forward to hearing more from the candidates.

    –I wonder where the idea came from that Gordon bank-rolled Carl’s run against Cartier. I was in the room when Carl rather dramtically abandonned Gordon’s campaign to jump to his own race. It left the Gordon campaign in desparate straights since Carl was the backbone coordinator of the inner circle. Gordon barely had a two pennies to rub together to boot.

  4. The idea came from Colantuono’s campaign finance statement.

    So, you’re a Gordon supporter? Is he gonna run?

  5. I guess I will take a look at the campaign finance statement! I was definately a Gordon supporter against Chris Coons. I only started to pay attention to politics when I was drawn in by the shocking news that Shawn Tucker was floating a record plan for a gas station at Cooch’s Bridge (2004). It led to the formation of Friends of Historic Glasgow and the fight against Clark and Scott for the La Grange farm all the while Chris Coons as new County Exec. somehow neglected to disclose HIS own close personal ties to land deals on the 1777 battlefield behind Glasgow HS (GORE, Inc.).

    By the time I had figured out that Coons was as slick as they come, I met Gordon through a mutual friend and agreed to help his campaign (2008) —- as long as Gordon’s old buddy Paul Clark kept his distance. That didn’t last long since Clark’s campaign manager, Vince D’Anna (Mario Capano’s business partner) stepped firmly into Gordon’s inner circle when Colantuono stepped out. Pretty soon there were Clark signs piled up by the back door and Clark robo-calls going out from the office phones. Forgetaboutit~!

    At any rate, yes, I have heard that Gordon was sitting with Vince D’Anna and Ron Morris at the St. Patty’s breakfast and that he was telling everybody that he was going to run for County Exec. Problem is, Gordon is extremely disliked by New Castle County voters.

    It seems likely that if Gordon gets in it will be to help Paul Clark by diluting the anti-Clark vote. I do not and will not endorse Gordon this time around!!!!

    I really like and admire Carl Colantuono, by the way. It was such a weird thing for him to suddenly pick up and run against Cartier that it could well have been a move orchestrated by wanna-be movers and shakers. Back to that campaign report for answers, I guess.

  6. JenL says:

    A Paul Clark vs Tom Gordon primary. Who would people vote for? Seriously. I am not sure.

  7. Idealist says:

    Bill Shahan

  8. MJ says:

    George “Bad Toupee” Parish has already announced that he is not running for reelection and is setting up for a primary against George Cole in 2014.

  9. MJ says:

    The Wilsons are not related. Sam has a way of sexually harassing female County Council staff and speakers (just his home-spun way of Sussex County living) and is a racist. I hear he keeps his white sheet and hood in an oak case at the foot of his bed.

  10. sussexanon says:

    John Brady has a good shot at winning county wide. He has a lot of cross party support and is well known in all corners of Sussex.

    Ray Adkins also owns a Barber Shop in addition to his real estate business. And I think Bob Venables daughter works for him. Not sure if Pete (or the party) had anything to do with recruiting him. Biff Lee has no heir apparent. None of his family are interested in the seat. So it will not be passed to another Lee if/when he retires. Much to the dismay of Biff Lees mother who is rumored to have said that seat belongs to a Lee, and always will.

    Please ignore D/R registrant numbers in sussex county. They are useless. That is no way to gauge how well a candidate will do down here. Ds vote for Rs down here ALOT. Conservadems/dixiecrats in the mold of Bob Venables. Even Pete has to get R votes to win in the 14th. The only RD in Sussex that has more Rs than Ds is the 38th. Yet we only have Pete S (a real democrat) and John Atkins (a celebrity) in the house.

    There are also efforts being made in other areas down here in Sussex. Both Pete and the party are working on it.

  11. MJ says:

    “There are also efforts being made in other areas down here in Sussex. Both Pete and the party are working on it.”

    In secret, I guess, for many of us who are RD committee people and who have offered to help have been left out in the cold.

  12. thenewphil says:

    George Parrish and George Cole will not be running against one another. Cole is retiring.

  13. MJ says:

    And you have that on who’s authority, phil?

  14. sussexanon says:

    There are confidential discussions going on with prospective candidates who haven’t committed to running. Hence, its not public knowledge.

    There is no effort to leave anyone out in the cold on candidate recruitment. If you know of someone, let Pete or the party know.

    Cole talks about retiring yet never actually does it. There are Dems that would run for the seat if they knew Cole was retiring.

  15. JPconnorjr says:

    So it appears that our old fiend St. Bodie girl will be breaking out the white pumps and pairing them with a nice Maid of Honor dress and going after the rebub nomination for Clerk of peace. Under his rule all civil union coulples will be gifted with a hot “You will burn in hell!” bouquet!

  16. charlie says:

    I dont think I will vote for either in the D40 race! I think Biff Lee doesnt really get anything done for the county of any importance. Nor do I think I want to vote for a real estate agent. I do believe that recruiting of canidates is important especially because I dont think Rep. Lee should be in office. Especially due to the fact he is against the legalization of medical marijuana. I know that alot of people are against this not just him, however alcohol was what saved our country during the first economic govt. mess up. Eventho this is a drug the benefits of it are great. The govt will make alot of money people who are in pain who rely on pills which are heavly addictive and messes up the chemistry in the brain will beable to use a method that is in no way as bad as legal scripts. OLD GOVT IS THE PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!! Younger canidates have to come out not just younger voters. The ways of the old govt is part of the problem. We need a everyday person not people who have worked for the state police and was given the seat nor do we need someone who works in the housing industry. We need someone who works in the chicken plants sells furniture construction someone who is only going run his seat in office by the word of sussex county. “A govt for the people ran by the people!” A successful govt doesnt use their power for their own views or benefits but uses the power of the words given by the people and then support and back that in Dover. I can tell you one thing Ive lived in Sussex for over two years and have always admired the beautiful small town feel that the county has maintained dispite Salisburys boom of prostitution in selling out to businesses over the last 20 years. I can also tell that no matter who wins this election for District 40 they will have a canidate in 2014 that will be informed by the people and who will represent the people of the county from their words! “A CAPTAIN LEADS BY HIS TEAMS FEEDBACK”