Monday Open Thread [3.26.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 26, 2012

Today begins the Supreme Court’s nearly unprecedented three days of oral arguments on the constitutionality of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Given Commerce Clause precedent and caselaw going back to at least the mid 1930’s, the Obamacare law should be upheld as constitutional. But you never know with conservative activist judges.

Lyle Denniston:

Without exaggeration, it could be the most important pronouncement on the federal “safety net” since the Social Security Act was upheld by the Court in 1937. Without exaggeration, a decision to strike down all or part of the new health law could be the most severe rebuff of Congress’s power over the national economy since the Sick Chicken Case in 1935. And, without exaggeration, a nullification of the Act in whole or in part could be the most devastating blow to presidential power and prestige since the Steel Seizure Case in 1952.

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  1. Dave says:

    Tomorrow is the planned rally of the sovereign sheriff supporters at the Sussex County Council meeting. Wanna be tyrants pretending to protect us from tryanny but really just wanting to substitute their own tryanny.

  2. Liberal Elite says:

    I hope the USSC kicks the can down the road. This will play better for the Dems in the long run if they do. If the Repubs take it again to the USSC in 2015, by then the law will be FAR more popular, and the GOP will pay the political cost of going back to the dark ages (lots of medical bankruptcies, rejected for pre-existing conditions, getting coverage cancelled when sick, kids losing health insurance,…).

    This will be a very popular law. People who oppose it, most often don’t understand it… but they will when they lose hard fought gains.

    “You don’t send this one back.” (spoken by Beverly in “As good as it gets” referring to the gift of competent healthcare)

  3. AQC says:

    Anybody read Christopher’s letter on DP? I couldn’t even finish it.

  4. puck says:

    I couldn’t finish it either. Teabag word salad.

  5. Anon says:

    Maybe I should have posted this here instead of on the older sheriff post.

    Will anyone be attending the Sussex County Council meeting tomorrow? Bodie and his band of misfit toys are planning on taking over the public comment portion of the meeting to speak out against HB 290 and in favor of the sheriff.

    Bodie was all over Gaffney this morning inviting everyone to attend. My only hope is that the sane residents of Sussex County show up and outnumber his “posse”.

  6. Miscreant says:

    “Bodie was all over Gaffney this morning inviting everyone to attend. My only hope is that the sane residents of Sussex County show up and outnumber his “posse”.”

    I just can’t seem to discipline myself to get up early enough to listen to that douche bag’s show. Gaffney may be an asshole, but he knows how to get the knuckle draggers stirred up, and he makes Bodie pay for his air time. Depending on the topic, sometimes it’s as entertaining, but not nearly as informative, as Delaware Liberal.

    “Will anyone be attending the Sussex County Council meeting tomorrow?”

    I’m still having a hard time giving a shit about Christopher’s antics. Maybe MJ can live blog it.

  7. jason330 says:

    In the Teabag word salad, did Christopher find anyone guilty of sedition?

  8. Joe Cass says:

    Teabag toss salad,what? Ollie and Liddy training- no thanks.

  9. MJ says:

    The Fatman was ranting and raving today about how this is just a slippery slope to Obama’s black shirts coming and locking you up because you don’t agree with him. He was urging people to show up at The Circle at 8:30 AM tomorrow and at Leg Hall on Wednesday. My guess is the chickenshit will be sitting home eating Twinkies and downing it with beer.

  10. MJ says:

    Alas, I am in DC tomorrow and can’t be at County Council, but Vance Phillips and I had a nice chat about the impending side-show tomorrow.

  11. JPconnorjr says:

    St Bodie girl will be launching his Clerk of Peace Campaign wonder what he will wear:)

  12. MJ says:

    Actually, Frank Knotts’ post on DP was rational and sane. Frank, c’mon over from the dark side.

  13. MJ says:

    Well, JP, he shouldn’t be wearing the white high heels before Memorial Day.

  14. Aoine says:

    isnt this Jon Moseley’s buddy that supported Christine O’Donnell – now labeled as having a HATE GROUP??

  15. MJ says:

    DelGaudio is a delusional schmuck who sees gay people around every corner. He once claimed that he was assaulted by a group of gay men who threw a bag over his head and beat him. Funny thing is, he never filed a police report over this alleged assault.

  16. Jason330 says:

    Newt managed to fit his pumpkin head inside a Delaware Fire hall last night. Apparently, according to Newt, Obama is still black.

  17. puck says:

    Newt is now charging $50 for a photo with him. Also, Newt says he would reduce gas price to $2.50.

  18. Jason330 says:

    Newt’s first executive order. If the Presidency of George W. Bush proved anything, it proved that Republican Presidents are not bound by anything. Least of all, logic, common sense, reason or reality.

  19. anon says:

    You can watch the County Council meeting live here: