Headline of the Day – “Romney Campaign Defends Car Elevator At Calif. Mansion”

Filed in National by on March 27, 2012

Whenever I need a little pick me up, the GOP’s horrible Presidential candidate always comes through.

Here is the story that goes with the headline.

Democrats have been all over the news Tuesday that Mitt Romney’s multimillion-dollar mansion project in La Jolla, Calif. includes an elevator for cars as well as its own lobbyist. The Romney campaign defended the elevator to the New York Times:

The Romney campaign said that a “car elevator” was simply a mechanism for storing cars in tight spaces, but that hasn’t stopped Mr. Romney’s rivals from jumping on the details of the planned expansion.

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Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Volaro lifts | Javaplate | March 30, 2012
  1. pandora says:

    Car Elevator was simply a mechanism for storing cars

    How many cars must you own before a car elevator becomes a consideration?

    Come on, I’m sure everyone can relate to this. Sheesh, couldn’t he have put off construction of his mansion until November?

    Thanks for this, J!

  2. reis says:

    Have you ever tried to get a car to use stairs? I think they’re like cows: they’ll go up stairs, but if someone plays that prank on you, there’s only one way to get a cow down stairs, i.e., shot-gun and a chain saw.

  3. puck says:

    Remember the question that stumped McCain? – “How many houses do you have?”

  4. jpconnorjr says:

    At least one of his elevators goes to the Top!

  5. Rustydils says:

    There are times when we can really learn something about ourselves. I think this subject could be one of those times. I say we take a vote. How many of us wish we had the money to build a house like Mitt Romney is building in San Diego. Lets see who wants to vote. Make sure and ask your teenage kids, spouses, and significant others if you have them. I will start.
    Yes, I wish I had the money to build a house like this.

  6. Jason330 says:

    The better question is, do Americans want an out of touch rich guy who values inherited wealth over work to be President?

    If they do, they know who to vote for.

  7. Grin says:

    Since we’re wishing, I wish for healthcare for all.

  8. pandora says:

    I may wish for many things, but a car elevator isn’t one of them.

  9. cassandra m says:

    I wish Rustydils would get a freakin’ clue.

  10. AQC says:

    I may wish for that money, but I would spend it differently.

  11. mediawatch says:

    My kids once had a Fisher-Price parking garage that let you turn a crank and lift the cars up to the top level. Maybe Rick and Newt can pick them up at a garage sale and carry them along with their Etch A Sketches.

  12. socialistic ben says:

    Rusty, if you had all that stuff, you’d want to keep it. right?
    you would want to make sure it was there for your kids and that you could get more. Maybe you would try and effect others so you could ensure you had yours and they… well whatever. Maybe become CEO of Bain. Then, you could become president and make sure that you and your rich friends stayed rich!
    Mitt Romney does not want to make you rich, Rusty Dills. He wants to make rich people ALWAYS rich, and it will come at your expense.

  13. Rustydils says:

    Tonights Topic, the top ten ways to lose reelection without even trying.

    Presenting tonights top ten list, is Rusty Dils

    # 10. Go on the today show only weeks after taking office and state that if you don’t get the economy turned around in 3 years, then your looking at a one term proposition.

    # 9. Allow the first lady to take a bunch of her friends all over the world on vacations with the tax payers footing the bill for over 10 million dollars.

    # 8. Tell the country you are going to keep unemployment rate below 8 percent, and then put in place policies that keep it above that rate for almost your full term.

    # 7. Pass Obama Care

    # 6. Promote chrony capitalism by giving government monies to friends who partially own solar and electric car companies, who throw the money down the toilet.

    # 5. Post your fake birth certificate on the whitehouse website, to make it easy for Joe Arpaio to prove that it is fake..

    # 4. Talk about increasing energy production at the exact same time you are saying no to the keystone pipeline.

    # 3. Campaining all over the Country at tax payer expense flying around in airforce one.

    # 2. Tell The outgoing Russian President a secret (that turns out not to be so secret because you were on mic and did not know it) that if he waits until after the election in november, you will be much more flexible about slackening up on missle defense systems.

    And the number one way to lose reelection without even trying,
    Under estimate Mitt Romney, and Over estimate the fact that because 20% of the country are liberals, and they hate your guts, but will still vote for you, that you think that the other 30% of the people that are not liberals, and hate your guts, will also vote for you, but they won’t.
    There you have it ladies and gentlemen.

  14. Geezer says:

    Don’t quit your day job, Rusty.