Two Experts Say: Not George Zimmerman Crying For Help
Via Orlando Sentinel:
As the Trayvon Martin controversy splinters into a debate about self-defense, a central question remains: Who was heard crying for help on a 911 call in the moments before the teen was shot?
A leading expert in the field of forensic voice identification sought to answer that question by analyzing the recordings for the Orlando Sentinel.
His result: It was not George Zimmerman who called for help.
Tom Owen, forensic consultant for Owen Forensic Services LLC and chair emeritus for the American Board of Recorded Evidence, used voice identification software to rule out Zimmerman. Another expert contacted by the Sentinel, utilizing different techniques, came to the same conclusion.
Zimmerman claims self-defense in the shooting and told police he was the one screaming for help. But these experts say the evidence tells a different story.
‘Scientific certainty’
Every claim Zimmerman has made about what happened that night with Trayvon Martin is now discredited. George Zimmerman needs to be arrested now.
Tags: George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin
too bad ‘Scientific certainty’ means nothing to the people who are defending Zimmerman.
There is a deranged mentality pervasive in America that allows such vile hatred and animus to preclude any attempt to look at and consider the whole circumstance and truth when an unarmed young man has been assassinated by an obviously mentally ill and hate filled individual. For those among us habitually relying on some power from above to sort things out or justify such occurrences I can only say, “God help us and forgive us” knowing full well we’ll never earn or deserve that forgiveness
10 more experts will say it was 100% Zimmerman, so now? Release the damn photos from the police station and will see if Zimmerman was really beaten or not, not some damn fuzzy ass video you can’t see clearly.
“10 more experts will say it was 100% Zimmerman, so now? ”
No, sorry, but this isn’t one of those cases where RM Scaife or the Koch brothers will be able to produce “scientists” to question the consensus.
So now release your name, so we know who the racist is.
It’s clear that the FL stand your ground law and the non existent standards for evidence collection. Employed by the police department have conjoined to create an ideal situation for white racists: shoot an African American and just CLAIM you were attacked and the police will take no evidence to confirm or.disconfirm your claim. The law and the obliging police.authorities make it open.season on African Americans.
It won’t matter if we release the damn photos from the police station and will see if Zimmerman was really beaten or not. That never mattered since Trayvon had as much right to the SYG law as Zimmerman.
Zimmerman’s injuries became an issue because of what the police told the press about Zimmerman’s injuries, what Zimmerman’s father and brother claimed about the injuries and what Zimmerman’s lawyer stated about the injuries.
The video of Zimmerman arriving at the police station caused a sensation because it didn’t come close to the description being put forth by the police, Zimmerman’s family and lawyer. They set the injury bar with their public comments.
thinkprogress Things that are inconsistent w/Zimmerman’s story: 911 tapes, police video, EMS records, at least 3 witnesses
thinkprogress NEW: EMS records show Zimmerman sustained NO serious injuries the night he shot Trayvon Martin.
thinkprogress Neighbor says he saw Zimmerman w/bandages next day. Race not a factor because “I seen black folks..come to [his] house”
and there’s this – file under third hand info (plus no link) –
MotherJones Former coworker of #Trayvon killer: “It was weird…he got all nuts. He picked her up and threw her. It was pure rage.”…
So, now the usual suspects from the whacky farm are chiming in with their wisdom. Rosanne Barr has reported the Zimmerman address once again, just in case spike’s error confused anyone and has said that if someone doesn’t go get him, she might have to. Then, Oprah declares that the whole world knows that there has been an injustice and that the country should be ashamed.
What would we do without such guidance.
Okay, so Rockland’s got nothing. Moving on…
Really. Rockland from the wingnut factory is actually here telling us who we shouldn’t pay attention to. Which is pretty rich coming from someone who isn’t worth paying attention to in the first place.
if i may step out of my glass house to heave a few stones…
STOP RESPONDING TO ROCKLAND!!!! It is a pathetic troll who just says things to get attention. I doubt Rockland even believes what he says. Why would you waste your debating abilities on such a pointless wretch?
Can we make a community agreement to just ignore… not ban… but not engage the trolls? There are gonna be a lot of em this year, we need a better way to deal.
“What would we do without such guidance.”
We’d turn into you.
Zimmerman’s account of the events is coming apart at the seems. The right-wing is defensive about the whole thing, which is downright telling stuff.
Briefly, the real tragedy is not the young boy who was killed… Sad to say, that is not the real impetus as to why this story has grown so big and so divisive.
No the real tragedy comes from the failure of Sanford’s law enforcement to make an arrest. The proper protocol would have been to arrest Zimmerman for manslaughter, and then let him defend himself in court, using the Stand Your Ground Act as his defense.
America sees we have a dead boy. They see we have a killer with a smoking gun. They see he gets let go….
Had an arrest been made that very day, there is very little likelihood we would be discussing it now…
It it the appearance of police impropriety, that is the real crime broken open by this tragic event. The fact is: that racist killing is not considered a crime by the police of Sanford, Florida.