Archive for March, 2012

Delaware Liberal Tracking Poll — Sen. Tom Carper (Round 2)

Filed in Delaware by on March 22, 2012 21 Comments

Last month, our senior Senator had a 61% approval rating and a 36% disapproval rating. Now he is underwater with 45% approval rating and a 51% disapproval rating. That seems more like reality.

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [3.22.12]

Filed in Delaware by on March 22, 2012 2 Comments
Thursday Daily Delawhere [3.22.12]

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Calls For Sanford Police Chief To Resign Over Trayvon Martin Case

Filed in National by on March 21, 2012 8 Comments

Police chief Bill Lee, of Sanford police, has insisted he carried out a “fair and thorough” investigation of the killing and that he cannot arrest George Zimmerman because he has told police he shot the teenager in self-defence and there was no evidence to contradict his account.

A thorough investigation? Not a chance. No evidence to contradict Zimmerman’s account? Well, if you don’t look for or gather evidence then there won’t be evidence, now will there? Gross incompetence of the Sanford Police would be a generous description at this point. Let’s look at what the Sanford Police didn’t do.

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It Appears I’m Not Alone In Not Forgiving Komen

Filed in National by on March 21, 2012 3 Comments

A Komen insider told HuffPost that “employee morale is in the toilet” since Komen leadership made the controversial decision to defund Planned Parenthood, one of the nation’s most prominent women’s health and family planning organizations. The move was led by anti-abortion executive Karen Handel, then Komen’s senior vice president for public policy, who has since resigned.

“Brinker in complete meltdown,” the source wrote to HuffPost. “People want her to resign but she won’t.”

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Republican War On Women – Alaska Style

Filed in National by on March 21, 2012 13 Comments

There’s a lot of lady parts business going on in Alaska. They have a forced ultrasound bill, a bill that “forbids full disclosure of pregnancy options and referrals for abortions,” and… Abortion Permission Slips from Men

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Wednesday Open Thread [3.21.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on March 21, 2012 22 Comments

Mitt Romney is your nominee. Or then again maybe not. The sound of the celebrations of the Republcan side is …. is….. deafeningly quiet. I would more describe it as a half interested groan. Even though Mitt Romney has no real meaningful opposition, he may still fail to capture a majority of the delegates until June, unless of course Santorum and Gingrich drop out and endorse Romney now, and that is not going to happen. So given that, I would have to say Mitt Romney is the weakest presidential nominee on the Republican side since Wendell Wilkie.

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General Assembly Post-Game Wrap-Up/Pre-Game Show: Weds., March 21, 2012

Filed in National by on March 21, 2012 11 Comments

An item I found intriguing was the fact that SB163(Marshall), which would increase Delaware’s minimum wage by $1 over a two year period, and which passed the Senate on January 26, was finally assigned to a House Committee yesterday. And not the committee that you’d expect, which would be the House Labor Committee. No, the bill has been assigned to the House Economic Development/Banking/Insurance/Commerce Committee. It could be nothing, but my Spidey Sense is tingling here. First, the bill is slow-walked. Then, it’s assigned to a committee whose history has been to remove any pesky impediments to economic development, including regulation. Not the most worker-friendly committee, IMHO. Let’s just see what happens here. I do know this: If Jack Markell supports this bill, it passes. If he doesn’t, well, it just could get buried in an inhospitable committee. Stay tuned.

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Delaware Liberal Tracking Poll Results — Lt. Gov. Matt Denn (Round 2)

Filed in Delaware by on March 21, 2012 4 Comments

87 people voted in the last poll on Lt. Gov. Matt Denn exactly one month ago, and 88 people voted today. In that span, Denn’s approval rating has dropped 8 points, from 73% to 65%. Now, I might be a little concerned if 1) the approval number of 73 wasn’t astronomically high to begin with and 65 is still damn good and 2) this was a real scientific poll and not a non-random internet poll. Plus there is no rhyme or reason to the drop, since Governor Markell’s approval rating over the same time period shot up even higher.

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Wednesday Daily Delawhere [3.21.12]

Filed in Delaware by on March 21, 2012 2 Comments
Wednesday Daily Delawhere [3.21.12]

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Late Night Video — Mississippi Conservatives And Their Delusions About President Obama

Filed in National by on March 20, 2012 2 Comments

….and their delusions about the government. This is remarkably sad to watch:

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Santorum says he can take Delaware based on the O’Donnell Precedent.

Filed in Delaware by on March 20, 2012 12 Comments

According to Santorum’s camp, Mitt Romney is making the argument that the April states are “Northeastern states and therefore more moderate states and therefore more favorable toward a moderate candidate,” Santorum strategist John Brabender doesn’t see it that way:

“However I would point to the primary elections in 2010 in almost all of those states. If you look at the primary elections in those states, famously so, conservatives beat more moderate candidates.”

Santorum, Brabender said, could be just like O’Donnell.

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I gotta steal from Kavips….

Filed in National by on March 20, 2012 8 Comments

Obama’s budget just got scored by the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) at a $3.5 Trillion Deficit by 2022….. Ryan’s budget, will yield a whopping $36.5 Trillion by deficit by that same year. Which number is smaller?

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Delaware Gets a C- on the Corruption Risk Report Card

Filed in National by on March 20, 2012 7 Comments

The State Integrity Investigation has conducted a year-long study of the effectiveness (or even existence) of each state’s laws and operating procedures in place to deter corruption and promote government accountability and openness. This report is done and published as of yesterday (19 March 2012) and Delaware gets an overall grade of C-, ranked #22 in terms of least corruption risk out of all 50 states. The state that came in the best? That would be New Jersey, with a grade of B+. Take a look at Delaware’s report card:

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