Santorum’s Next Step

Filed in National by on April 11, 2012

Nate Silver guesses at what Rick Santorum’s next step will be. I’m guessing that he will NOT be running for any statewide office in Pennsylvania. Instead, he will be gearing up for 2016 which will entail traveling around the country fundraising for various conservative politicos and earning the all important favors that will be called in during the presidential election cycle in 2016.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Dana Garrett says:

    Ironically, I heard a Santorum adviser say on Hardball that is precisely his plan. Chris Matthews pointed out that is tantamount to a confession that Romney will not defeat Obama.

  2. Liberal Elite says:

    But the question is, will Santorum and other conservatives work to scuttle Romney?

    Is having a fake conservative in the White House better than having someone you can scream about?

  3. kavips says:

    Interesting L/E… Same thing happened to Ford; he beat Reagan in the ’76 primary. But the conservatives (Dick Cheney)worked hard to swing the election over to Carter, so Reagan could wear the Republican strong suit in ’80. Reagan wore the strong suit in 1980. Russell Peterson used to tell this story, (and it’s in his book.)