Image Problems That Aren’t Image Problems

Filed in National by on April 19, 2012

One of the Republican memes is that Barack Obama once at dog . . . at the age of 6. So some doofus from the Republican Party, has been tweeting dog jokes for the last several days, you know because a 6 year-old has a lot to say about what they are eating for dinner in a foreign country. I’ll let Kentucky’s Barefoot and Progressive explain:

Now, don’t get me wrong. I appreciate a good sense of humor. I also appreciate desperation. So I can dig what Scott Jennings [the doofus on Twitter] and the Romney campaign are experiencing here.

But the fact that Barack Obama ate dog meat as a six year old — a decision he likely had absolutely zero control over — is about as relevant to the Presidential debate as is the fact that Scott Jennings was still wetting the bed when he was 9 years old and had to sleep on plastic sheets.

More to the point, Mitt Romney’s “dog problem” resonates with people because it relates directly to his overall image problem — Mitt is an out of touch rich boy who’s way richer than most other rich boys and he doesn’t understand even the basics of everyday life, let alone how to relate to regular people.

To put it another way… the Republican Party’s attempt to out-meme the Romney “dog problem” with this tale of six year old Barry Hussein and their #obamadogrecipes twitter hashtag is as relevant to today’s debate as is the absolute and undeniable fact that Mitt Romney killed a woman.

Yes, that’s right. Mitt Romney killed a woman.

Forget your epicurean twit-jokes. #RomneyMuderAlibi is where the real fun is at, if serious reporters and political commentators want to take these two men and their youth and facts totally out of their control and make funny haha jokes about them.

You’ll have to go to Barefoot and Progressive to read the rest.


About the Author ()

A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. MJ says:

    The Fatman was running with the Obama ate a dog story yesterday, but of course, he didn’t say that the President was 6 years old at the time. He posed a question to his “liberal listeners” – “would have voted for Obama in 2008 knowing he ate dog?” Of course, when one person took the bait and called in, he acted like a screaming mimi and wouldn’t let the person get a word in. Typical of his bullying and bullshit.

  2. jason330 says:

    This kind of tactic reveals how utterly bankrupt the GOP is nowadays. Sadly, they are are effective at leveraging this kind of idiocy.

  3. Rockland says:

    Bo, the Obamarx family dog better be sleeping with one eye open!

  4. nemski says:

    BTW Hannity went there. Kudos to Governor Romney for not taking the bait.