Campaign 2012: Air War or Ground War

Filed in National by on April 21, 2012

With state Republican parties in such disarray, the GOP super PACs are having to resort to television ads only. Meanwhile, with unions and strong ground games from the Democrats, allies of the Obama campaign are focusing on the ground game.

The differing strategies mean that voters, particularly in swing states, probably will be inundated with television advertisements attacking Obama well beyond whatever the Romney campaign airs. At the same time, many voters also will encounter swarms of canvassers handing out fliers and knocking on doors in support of Democrats.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. bamboozer says:

    I suspect we will see the limits of the coming super pac TV attack ads in coming months, at some point even conservatives will be turning them off. Barrage or not, repeat a lie enough and it become the truth for some or not, the super pacs and TV politics will be limited by the nausea factor, and I suspect its not very high at all.