Monday Open Thread [4.23.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on April 23, 2012

File this under the Captain Obvious category: The AP reported this weekend that the improving economy is “swinging the pendulum” in President Obama’s favor “in the 14 states where the presidential election will likely be decided.”

“What’s made the difference is that unemployment has dropped more sharply in several swing states than in the nation as a whole. A resurgence in manufacturing is helping the economy — and Obama’s chances — in the industrial Midwestern states of Ohio and Michigan. And Arizona, Nevada and Florida, where unemployment remains high, are getting some relief from an uptick in tourism.”

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  1. Jason330 says:

    “We need to do a better job of wrecking this economy.” Boehner to McConnell

  2. nemski says:

    We liked this story so much, we posted it twice today.

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Whacko Congressman Dana Rohrabacher was barred from visiting Afghanistan by Karzai.

    Now if we could find a way to keep him from re-entering the US we might have something.

  4. socialistic ben says:

    well Oklahoma is just a bunch of demonrat leftist maoist socialist gaybortionists.

  5. Jason330 says:

    The Oklahoma legislature didn’t want to risk adding a bunch of fetus voters in an election year.

  6. Liberal Elite says:

    So much for anchor babies. If it passed, they’d have anchor fetuses. As I read it, anyone conceived in Oklahoma would be an automatic citizen. …could bring a whole new meaning to “sex tourism”.