Delaware GOP Picks Social Conservative as National Committeewoman

Filed in National by on April 28, 2012

Ellen Barrosse, founder the the anti-abortion group A Rose and A Prayer, is now the National Committeewoman for the Delaware GOP. Meanwhile lobbyist Laird Stabler held on to his post as National Committeeman.A Rose and A Prayer and Barrosse were elemental is defeating human embryonic stem cell research legislation in Delaware.

We are witnessing the continuation of a minority party in Delaware for the next 20 years.

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A Dad, a husband and a data guru

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  1. Dana Garrett says:

    So does this mean that P. Rakestraw (sp?) is out? Did she go voluntarily…retire?

  2. nemski says:

    @ Dana, she went out voluntarily stepped down earlier this week. She was running and then she was not. My guess is that she saw the writing on the wall.

  3. puck says:

    A Rose and a Prayer was calling out Castle as a RINO (in their own way) before Crazy Eileen. That paved the way for the rise of the Sussex kooks. Barrosse was John the Baptist for the failed conservative savior Christine O’Donnell and her followers’ defeat of Castle.

    Try as she might, I don’t think Barrosse can get past that legacy. Her base won’t let her.

  4. Geezer says:

    I don’t recall Rose and a Prayer saying anything about Castle. And she’s far from a kook.

    Don’t blame her for the fact that her lobbying worked. I’m pretty sure the fault lies with the lawmakers who couldn’t take even that minimal amount of pressure.

  5. puck says:

    I am a Catholic mole and I heard plenty about Castle. They just operate differently from the Sussex loons – more by word of mouth than by crazy public antics.

    But I’m actually willing to give Barrosse the benefit of the doubt for maybe ten minutes though. Like I said, she probably knows what she needs to do, but her past will likely prevent her from accomplishing it.

  6. John Manifold says:

    The Guns and Roses Party!

  7. Joe Cass says:

    Puck nailed this a while back. I couldn’t be happier to have the christian right in Delaware to mock. As an altar boy, I had the skeevy duty to serve mass with Father Joe McGovern at St.Catherine’s. Yeah, the Joe McGovern outed as a child predator that the diocese hushed.
    Welcome to the scrum, Ellen. I’ve been known to kick a womb. From the inside, of course.

  8. Peep Show says:

    It’s about time this woman was forced out.

  9. Jackie says:

    Rakestraw was going down to defeat about 80%- 20%. She was forced out. It would not have evn been close. Its not about ideology, she has burned too many bridges and stayed on far too long to be effective. She lost sight of serving others. It would have happened a long time ago, just that no decent opponent would ever step up to run.

  10. anon says:

    Rakestraw had the votes to keep the seat. The peole claiming otherwise are the same people that said Christine O’Donnell could get Democrats to vote for her and win. They were wrong in 2010 and they are wrong today. It seems that these Republicans reject basic mathematics as vigorously as they reject evolution.

    Rakestraw worked her ass off for the party, she was the driving force behind all of the GOP special election victories. She went door to door, she worked every festival and fair, she worked just as hard for candidates in the north as she did for candidates in the south (ask Greg Hastings, Ruth Briggs King and Joe Booth). She was a Republican Warrior and she stepped aside for a social warrior, which is the only mistake I’ve seen Rakestraw make in 30 years.

    I’ve never seen Ellen Barrosse do a f*cking thing for the GOP, other than throw a fundraiser for Copeland.

  11. cassandra_m says:

    So now the question is whether the local Democrats have the smarts to make this turn to the hard right an albatross for the local Rs. Not like they need another albatross, but still.

  12. Jackie says:

    If Ms. Rakestraw had the votes to keep the seat, then why did she throw the desperate ‘hail Mary’ and flip on Mitt Romney and endorse Newt the day before the DE Pres. primary , only to then flip back to Mitt the day after? Ha, what pricipled leadership!

    And why did this GOP “warrior” pull the plug only 2 days before her own election, not a few months prior? Spin all you want, but Ms. Rakestraw was going down to a huge defeat. We’ll never know for sure now, because she abdicated, fearing an embarrassing public blowout.

    GOP Vice Chair Lavelle and their female Party Secretary, also Pete Dupont, Mike Fleming, Bill Sahm, Mike McDermott and many region/district leaders publicly came out against her –across the political spectrum.

  13. anon says:

    “and their female Party Secretary”

    She has a name, but I guess since she’s a woman it’s not worth your time to learn it, and every man on your list knew Rakestraw had the votes to stay.

  14. Jason330 says:

    I call bullshit on anon. If Rakey had enough votes for the seat, she’d still have it.

  15. anon says:

    She had the votes, it surprised me, too, but she did.

  16. Jackie says:

    Like the Titanic, Rakestraw jumped ship right before it sunk.
    If the vote was even close she would have stood on Friday night. She was scurrying for a dignified exit strategy the final week. It didn’t happen.
    A new face in leadership is often a good thing.

  17. Jason330 says:

    A good long form piece for journalism (blog or regular) could explore the question, what is Copeland’s game?

    He is trying to what? …lockdown the wingut vote for a run at Governor in 2016? Even if he wins the primary running on his teabag bona fides, he still will have to face a Democratic opponent in a left leaning state. AND… he assumes that Barros will not go for the nomination. That’s a big assumption, because she is smart, wealthy and genuinely wingnutty. That makes her the presumptive teabag choice as things stand now.

    Copelands actions here make absolutely no sense. Of course, Charlie does have the worst political instincts in Delaware.

  18. Geezer says:

    Anon, you’re going to have to come up with something in the way of evidence for your claim. It does not jibe with what I hear from several other sources.

  19. The Truth Hurts says:

    Moderated due to sockpuppetry. Rockland needs to pick one name and stick with it.

  20. Rockland says:

    Rumor has it that Christine O’Donnell could switch parties. Would Demorats vote for her and win?

    In this state anything with a D next to it gets elected..

  21. socialistic ben says:

    and what magical office would she be running for?

    i also love starting rumors by saying “rumor has it”

  22. Jason330 says:

    The main goal of the “Pro-Life” industrial complex,is raising money to support admin salaries.

    If the goal was reducing the number of unwanted pregnancies, we’d hav a lot of common ground.

  23. mediawatch says:

    Republicans aren’t about governing, they’re about complaining. And logic has never been one of their strengths.

    “Goverment giveaways that mostly go to folks that don’t care how many women they knock up…” give Republicans something to complain about.

  24. Jason330 says:

    “Rumor has it that Christine O’Donnell could switch parties.” from Republican to The Alaskan Independence Party.

  25. cassandra_m says:

    Christine is never going to switch parties. The GOP wingnut welfare train is way too good of a deal for her.

  26. Venus says:

    Switch parties? Not her style. Crash parties? That’s her game.

  27. nemski says:

    I think Rockland was attempting to make a joke. If not, it was just spam.

  28. Jason330 says:

    The problem with conservative humor is that it isn’t funny. It is one of those markers I look for to discern if something is a joke.

  29. bamboozer says:

    A social conservative is just what Delaware’s GOP needs to cement itself into the position of permanent second place, as such I hail it as a great and a good thing.

  30. Rockland says:

    Easy fellows it was a joke. It is unfortunate that Delaware can’t attract any serious politicians on either side – Left or Right.

  31. Geezer says:

    “It is unfortunate that Delaware can’t attract any serious politicians on either side – Left or Right.”

    I don’t think this is true. Is it another joke?

  32. Jackie says:

    Charlie did not create the win for Barosse.
    If Charlie was so popular, he could have taken out Laird Stabler in a battle of the Blue Bloods. But Charlie couldn’t get that done.

    As for O’Donnell, she is just a big distraction and a national/ local joke! Not even worth discussing her antics, like a spoiled child.

  33. anon says:

    Even Republicans recognize Jack Markell as a serious, and GOOD politician. I’m glad to have him in the Governor’s Office.

  34. nemski says:

    anon, good of you to respond to Rockland’s other joke, but it was to all to unworthy of your time to do so.

  35. Real American says:

    Prissy Raker would have lost badly and she knew it. The last parting “Middle finger” shot to Sussex Countians was to see that Ron Sams was voted in as GOP man of the year. That went over like a lead balloon with Sussex Countians. Ron Sams was FIRED by the Sussex County GOP Committee and hasn’t done anything for the GOP in the last year. Why the State Committee decided to further alienate Sussex County Republicans is beyond me. It shows their stupidity.

    Bye Bye Prissy Raker. You wouldn’t even have gotten 20% of the vote.

  36. Dave says:

    Why not alienate the Sussex County Republicans. They are not paricularly relevant except to ensure that Democrats are elected. The Democratic Party should be supportive of SC Republicans because with enemies like them who needs friends? The SC Republicans could not help them more if they directly contributed to Democrat candidates.