Archive for April, 2012

Why Voting for Obama Is Important and Necessary

Filed in National by on April 19, 2012 0 Comments
Why Voting for Obama Is Important and Necessary

“Romney and the Republicans are running a campaign of opposition and retrenchment. They want to repeal, restrict, restructure, reclaim and restore. They want to take the country back to a reality that exists only in their imaginations — and to a world that will never exist again — and freeze us there.”

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Thursday Open Thread [4.19.12]

Filed in Open Thread by on April 19, 2012 28 Comments

A new CNN survey of Republicans finds that they want a Romney-Rice ticket. Yes, Condoleeza “No one could have predicted 9/11” Rice leads the veepstakes with 26%, ahead of Rick Santorum at 21%, Marco Rubio at 14%, Chris Christie at 14%, and Paul Ryan at 8%. I wonder if this poll offered the names or if these names were volunteered. But putting her on the ticket would be a disastrous move on Romney’s part.

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Breaking: The Sunday Yack Shows Are GOP TV!

Filed in National by on April 19, 2012 4 Comments
Breaking:  The Sunday Yack Shows Are GOP TV!

That is the conclusion of a new study from the folks at, who will confirm your impression that the Sunday yack shows are largely a parade of conservatives. Surprise, right?

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Delaware’s poorest county: Sussex

Filed in Delaware by on April 19, 2012 22 Comments
Delaware’s poorest county: Sussex

* Poverty rate: 13.9% * Poverty rate of residents under 18: 24% * Median household income: $48,582 The Sussex poverty rate is below the national average (15%), Sussex has high home values and a homeownership rate that’s higher than the state average. With only three counties in Delaware, it’s not hard for Sussex to claim […]

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DL Tracking Poll Results — Ben Mobley (R) (Round 2)

Filed in Delaware by on April 19, 2012 0 Comments

Last month, 42% of you had no idea who Ben Mobley was. (He is a Republican candidate for Insurance Commissioner). This month, that number drops to 30%, but that might not be good news for Ben, as his unfavorable rating increased from 34% to 43%. 26% have a favorable of the Republican, basically unchanged from last month’s 24%.

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Image Problems That Aren’t Image Problems

Filed in National by on April 19, 2012 4 Comments

Barack Obama once ate dog meat and Mitt Romney once killed a woman.

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Ask Dr. Liberal – “I’ve Fallen and I can’t get up.”

Filed in National by on April 19, 2012 8 Comments
Ask Dr. Liberal – “I’ve Fallen and I can’t get up.”

Dear Dr. Liberal.

A few years ago, I fell down in a well and no one has come to rescue me yet. Damn that Lassie. But as I contemplate my existence in the bottom of the well, I got to thinking about politics and how my current situation mirrors many on the far left. So, I’ve got to wondering, you know since I’m stuck in this well and all, has anyone come to the rescue of the far left? Did anyone primary Obama? Kucinich? What’s Nader up to? I guess it comes down to this: Who is the far left going to vote for in November so that they can get their pony in January?

Awfully Lonely,

Little Timmy
Stuck in a Well, Delaware

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Joke of the Day: Romney’s VP Search

Filed in National by on April 19, 2012 1 Comment

One of Romney’s closest advisors has begun the search for a Vice Presidential candidate. Punchline inside.

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Poll: Americans Believe That Global Warming Is Linked to Extreme Weather

Filed in Science and Health by on April 19, 2012 3 Comments

Yesterday, everyone was a buzz about the poll that showed Romney and Obama visually neck and neck. But this wasn’t the poll we should have been focused on, this is: Americans believe that global warming is linked to our extreme weather.

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Thursday Daily Delawhere [4.19.12]

Filed in Delaware by on April 19, 2012 2 Comments
Thursday Daily Delawhere [4.19.12]

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US Troops Pose with Dead Insurgents

Filed in International by on April 19, 2012 1 Comment
US Troops Pose with Dead Insurgents

One of the big stories yesterday as the Los Angeles Times publishing of photographs that showed our troops posing with bodies of dead insurgents in Afghanistan.

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The Fisker Echo

Filed in Delaware by on April 19, 2012 9 Comments

I ran out of time the other day and didn’t get to post a link to Jason Starkey’s article on the state of the Fisk plant. As one laid off employee said, it’s “absolutely empty”. And, now, Romney’s campaign has gotten a hold of the Fisker story. I think it’s a stretch by the Romney team […]

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Filed in National by on April 18, 2012 2 Comments

Is this Boehner being ironic by saying Obama will play the bogeyman card this election?

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