That Sound You Hear is the Scream of the Swiss Nation as One

Filed in National by on May 9, 2012

Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann is now, officially, a citizen of Switzerland.

Arthur Honegger, a reporter for [the Swiss] public broadcaster Schweizer Fernsehen, told POLITICO the Swiss consulate in Chicago has confirmed that the former Republican presidential candidate became a citizen March 19. The Swiss consulate in Chicago covers the state of Minnesota, which Bachmann represents.

Marcus Bachmann, the congresswoman’s husband since 1978, reportedly was eligible for Swiss citizenship due to his parents’ nationality — but only registered it with the Swiss government Feb. 15. Once the process was finalized on March 19, Michele automatically became a citizen as well, according to Honegger.

I am curious why Mr. and Mrs. Bachmann felt the need to exercise their eligibility for their dual citizenship now. Presumably, Mr. Bachmann has known all his life that he was eligible to be a dual citizen. Michelle has known since at least 1978. Perhaps they are preparing to flee the country after President Obama is resoundingly reelected?

Now, that is the stuff dreams are made of.

Sorry Switzerland, but we Americans are quite tired of our crazies. It is long past time you all deal with them.

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  1. nemski says:

    Bachmann’s dual citizenship sounds almost un-American – to reuse Bachmann’s own phrase,

  2. Dave says:

    I wonder how dual citizenship affects one’s eligibility for office, including Congress?

    I also wonder how her Swiss citizenship affects her decisions in Congress?

  3. mediawatch says:

    As a Swiss citizen, perhaps Bachmann further insulates herself from reporting any income from Swiss bank accounts on her U.S. tax returns.

  4. liberalgeek says:

    Apparently, some of her kids want to exercise their right to citizenship.

    For the record, the Swiss have a health insurance mandate and their system looks quite a bit like America with the ACA fully implemented. However, she won’t have to buy in unless she moves there. Her kids will have to buy in if/when they move there, however.

  5. Newark says:

    Switzerland also has the most (or one of the most) racist and xenophobic citizenship processes in Europe. It fits Bachmann and her views on immigration.

  6. liberalgeek says:

    Oh, and didn’t they ban mosques or something?

  7. liberalgeek says:

    Ah, yes, here it is…

    Yes, this makes more sense all the time.

  8. X Stryker says:

    Maybe Marcus realized that converting dollars into francs is easier than converting gays into straights.

  9. JJ says:

    Makes sense. Most of Bachman’s policy positions are like Swiss cheese!

  10. JJ says:

    If Romney wins, she can be the courier for Mitt with all his bank accounts there.

  11. Von Cracker says:

    The Swiss are heavily armed as well. Men and women must serve in the military and they get to keep their rifles. they don’t have the nocturnal emissions over da jeebus, so there’s downfall right there.

  12. liberalgeek says:

    And they have kick-ass pocket knives.

  13. Truth Teller says:

    An UN American move if I ever saw one