DL Tracking Poll: Bullock Leads in the NCCo. Council Prez Race.

Filed in Delaware by on May 24, 2012

His campaign website is not up yet (though he has a Twitter account up and running), but he’s got supporters. The Rev. Christopher Bullock of the Canaan Baptish Church in Wilmington leads civic activist Bill Dunn and Renee Taschner, 46% to 31% to 23%, respectively.

It is becoming quite clear to me, that these two races (Council President and County Executive), are going to be the most dynamic and most polarizing and most “paid-attention-to” races in the state in the coming year. Both polls brought three times the number of votes than are normal daily polls, and just as many comments.

The next poll on the Governor’s race is up, and it will be up all weekend.

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  1. John Manifold says:

    Maybe the Bottle & Cork guy can run this race.

  2. We need Chris Bullock for President of County Council. His leadership will not only be transformational, but transactional as well.

  3. We are encouraging everyone that can to support Chris Bullock by voting for him to become NCCC President in September.

  4. Jason330 says:

    “Maybe the Bottle & Cork guy can run this race.”


  5. AQC says:

    Bill Dunn.

  6. Grabsac Turnicopf says:

    mike protack…

  7. Lane216 says:

    I have known Bill Dunn for many years having worked with him in his civic role. Bill is very dedicated to putting the community and citizens first — unlike most people in politics. Given the incessant corruption in Delaware politics Bill is at the top of the list for “one of the good guys”. It is time for NCCo citizens to be serious about the importance of their responsibility and vote for the only right man…Bill Dunn.

  8. I agree with Lane. Bill Dunn has been doing great in the forums so far too. He doesn’t need to read off of his tablet or 3by5 cards for answers as his opponents were doing at the Wilmington City Committee event.

    I will be writing up my notes soon on the forums I have attended for NCC leadership. Fun!