Polling Report [5.24.12]

Filed in National by on May 24, 2012

Wisconsin goes back to the blue side. Pennsylvania stays blue. Vermont stays dark dark blue. Arizona stays red, albeit light red.

NATIONAL–PRESIDENT (Gallup Tracking): Obama 46, Romney 46

NATIONAL–PRESIDENT (Rasmussen Tracking): Obama 46, Romney 45

ARIZONA–PRESIDENT (PPP): Romney 50, Obama 43

Arizona stays as a Lean Romney state.

PENNSYLVANIA–PRESIDENT (Rasmussen): Obama 47, Romney 41

Even though we don’t use Rasmussen polls in our map below, this confirms that PA is a Lean Obama state.

VERMONT–PRESIDENT (Castleton State College/WCAX): Obama 59, Romney 28

Vermont is a Strong Obama state, with Obama having a 31 point lead.

WISCONSIN–PRESIDENT (St. Norbert College/Wisconsin Public Radio): Obama 49, Romney 43

Like I said yesterday, Wisconsin can appear swingy at times in polls, but it will always go to the Dems. This poll moves Wisconsin back into the Lean Obama camp as Obama has a 6 point lead in this poll.

PENNSYLVANIA–SENATOR (PPP): Sen. Bob Casey (D) 49, Tom Smith (R) 33

WISCONSIN–GOVERNOR (St. Norbert College/Wisconsin Public Radio): Gov. Scott Walker (R) 50, Tom Barrett (D) 45

The New Map

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  1. Joanne Christian says:

    Ummm DD– I know I keep saying Colorado will go RED, but my brother-in-law living there and involved, has thrown cold water in my face, and says he doesn’t think so–it will be blue again. Folks are locally mad about things, and it’s not with Obama. So I guess I’ll hang w/ your yellow poll. And I know, this isn’t your paint set or poll so we’ll see. Rats…..

  2. Delaware Dem says:

    Yeah, it is only yellow right now but the last poll in the state by this unknown “Purple Strategies” outfit had the race tied at 47. The last poll defore that had Obama winning the state handidly. And that is likely the case.

    I know you thought the Mormon and Olympic factors would weigh heavily, but, alas, they are not. Indeed, except for Utah, all of Romney’s “Home Bases” are going Democratic (i.e. Massachusetts and Michigan).

    And, a new poll just came out (too late for this post) that places Ohio back in the blue column, but a pretty large margin actually.

  3. JJ says:

    Biden a drag in swing states? There is a poll out today that for the first time Biden is a drag to the ticket in swing states. His unfavorables top favoarables. Interesting…I guess too many gaffes ahve kicked in and the public is sick of that stuff. The liberals love him for pushing or evolving Obama ‘out of the closet’ on gay marriage issue, but WH is fuming Joe threw them under the bus prematurely. Press reports he is being kep out of high level campaign mtgs..

  4. Will McVay says:

    I wonder how the poll results would look if they actually included Gary Johnson in them. Of course, they’re going to say that he didn’t get 15% in any polls, so they can’t include him in the debates. Hard to get to 15% when you’re not on the poll, huh?


  5. Delaware Dem says:

    JJ, Link to that poll please? I have not seen that anywhere. So I just assume you made it up.

  6. Liberal Elite says:

    A rather large +4 blue poll in FL by NBC. Obama camp must be feeling good.

    Romney loses FL ==> Romney loses election