Attention WGMD: Two Things.

Filed in Delaware by on May 26, 2012

First, you act like blowhard Alex Pires is officially a candidate. He is not. While he angrily announced his intention to run, he has not filed any paperwork yet. So let’s wait and see before assuming that Carper will be facing him in the fall.

Second, since you do not refer to the Republican Party as the Republic Party, do not refer to the Democratic Party as the Democrat Party. The reason you shouldn’t do it is because it is a very obvious tell that instead of being an independent, neutral and unbiased news organization, you are instead paid biased shills for Fox News and the conservative movement.

So try better next time. Thanks again.

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  1. Delaware Dem says:

    You cite a conservative blog that calls Begala a hack and disparages Daily Kos to support conservative use of the term?

    Try again.

    Or how about you just refer to it as the Democratic Party. Is it really that hard for a conservative to show a minute amount of respect?

  2. fightingbluehen says:

    Maybe you should read the article again. My intension wasn’t to “cite a conservative blog”. I think this article is pretty much by-partisan in nature, and explains Democrat vs democratic or Democratic in logical and historic terms. Also the article didn’t call Begalia a hack. It called him a “political hack”, which he himself would probably admit to.
    The article also points out that we are both democrats and rebublicans.

  3. Geezer says:

    FBH: Nobody in Delaware has W’s excuse of “poor diction.” For most conservatives it’s a deliberate choice, one that’s a little more respectable than “libs,” which is usually voiced with the vitriol reserved for the use of the n-word in anger.

  4. Jason330 says:

    Democrat Party is the illiterate way of saying it. It is mostly used by people who are trying to self identify as a hayseed or dumbass. Thats why I was never surprised to hear Ruth Ann use it.

  5. puck says:

    It comes from a Luntz focus group:

    Further, Hertzberg wrote that “among those of the Republican persuasion,” the use of ” ‘Democrat Party’ is now nearly universal” thanks to “Newt Gingrich, the nominal author of the notorious 1990 memo ‘Language: A Key Mechanism of Control,’ and his Contract with America pollster, Frank Luntz.” While Hertzberg noted that Luntz “road-tested the adjectival use of ‘Democrat’ with a focus group in 2001” and “concluded that the only people who really dislike it are highly partisan adherents of the … Democratic Party,” he also wrote that Luntz had told him recently that “[t]hose two letters [‘ic’] actually do matter,”

    Like any bully, the more you complain about it more they keep doing it. Personally I don’t give a damn.

  6. SussexAnon says:

    Pires has to get 6,000 signatures in a little over 6 weeks (I believe that is the deadline) to appear on the ballot. Unless he hitches his wagon to a party. Blue Enigma anyone? Which at this point is unlikely.

  7. fightingbluehen says:

    The names of the two respective parties really don’t have anything to do with the philosophy of each party. They might as well be called the Red or Blue or Harry and Joe party. After all it’s a democracy in that it is ruled in general by the will of the people, but it is a republic in practice. We are all republicans.

    Geezer, I have heard some pretty nasty terms fired towards Republicans too, so that high horse you ride is looking more like a pony than a Budweiser Clydesdale .

  8. Geezer says:

    FBH: Really? By whom? Elected Democrats? Because “Democrat Party” is standard usage among Republicans in Congress.

  9. fightingbluehen says:

    Like I said. The party name Democrat has nothing to do with the word democracy, just like Republican has nothing to do with republic. So it seems logical to just call the parties by their names. You make it seem like, by just using the name Democrat, they are implying that you are not democratic somehow. Then again my logic could be flawed. I think it’s just petty on both accounts.

  10. Geezer says:

    No, I’m saying they changed the word — and they did, just as they changed the estate tax to the inaccurate “death tax.” In this case, they say it simply because they consider it an insult. No, it doesn’t matter — it simply shows what juvenile assholes many Republicans, including their so-called leaders, can be. Sorry if that upsets you.

  11. fightingbluehen says:

    Doesn’t upset me. Democrat Democratic, it’s all the same to me. It doesn’t change anything. Maybe they do it to get a reaction sort of like little kids teasing each other, and like little kids, the Democrats react.

  12. Geezer says:

    FBH: Absolutely right. It’s childish.

  13. The Straight Scoop says:

    I wouldn’t full-on dismiss Pires. He’s a successful lawyer who can self-finance. He won a couple major class-action suits and oversees some of the most successful bars in Dewey.

    Serious politician? Probably not. Serious threat to Carper? Probably not, but he might outpoll Wade in a head-to-head.

  14. MJ says:

    My guess is that the drunk Bottle & Cork/Rusty Rudder patrons wont be able to sign petitions since 99% of them are from out of state.

  15. MJ says:

    Pires is probably the most hated person in the Rehoboth-Dewey-Lewes-Bethany area. He pisses on zoning regulations and height restrictions – not a good way to make friends with folks over here.

  16. Misleading says:

    You routinely insult Republicans by using terms like Rethug and worse, and then you get bent all out of shape when someone says “Democrat Party”???????????????????????????????

    Just more liberal hypocrisy. Keep it up. It makes your arguments so compelling.

  17. Geezer says:

    “You” meaning whom? I never refer to them in any such way, and at any rate we’re talking about elected officials, not people on blogs.

    But keep trying that false equivalency. Nothing suits a Republican like whining. It’s what they do best.

  18. SussexWatcher says:

    Pires has nada to do with Ruddertowne and the Dewey lawsuits, MJ. He hasnt done squat about height restrictions.

  19. Liberal Elite says:

    @M “You routinely insult Republicans by using terms like Rethug and worse,”

    On this forum? Honestly… That really is a (lower grade level) conservative game…

    Pointing out that ‘Republican’ lies between ‘Reptilian’ and ‘Repugnant’ in the dictionary, is not the same thing.

  20. kavips says:

    I’m still in shock; shocked that anyone, anyone listens to WGMD.

  21. MJ says:

    SW – don’t know where you’ve been over the past few years, but Pires and his Highway One has been the lead in the redevelopment plans for Ruddertown and has even gone as far as banning Mayor Hansen from all of his businesses because she opposes his plans. He a childish lout.

  22. SussexWatcher says:

    / shrugs / All I know is that Ruddertowne hasn’t been owned by Pires for several years. I think since 2007 or 8. It’s a Hanna/Baeurle project. Pires and H1 own the Rusty Rudder, but afaik, that business has nothing to do with the Ruddertowne redevelop project. The height limit, the lawsuits, etc., don’t involve Pires, unless he’s secretly backing them behind the scenes.

    He may indeed be an ass and have barred Hansen from his bars, but that could be just because she – like everyone else in authority in Dewey – is drunk on power. She’s a nitwit just like the rest – and I partly include Pires in that category. Dewey should be razed to the ground and turned into a nature preserve.

  23. MJ says:

    Pires does have his hand in all of the litigation. He tried to buy the city election last summer and was severely smacked down by the voters in Dewey.

  24. SussexWatcher says:

    How does he have his hand in the litigation? He doesn’t own the property, and as far as I know he’s not one of the litigants. What do you know that the press doesn’t?

  25. Geezer says:

    @SW: I have no knowledge of their business relationships these days, but Baeurle (sp?) and Pires have been partners in projects over the years.