UPDATED: Haters gotta hate, and crazy people gotta act crazy

Filed in National by on June 21, 2012

I have to say, my recent experiences with DMV have all been very good.

…In fact, I told the last person who helped me out that I was going to open a facebook account for the sole purpose of “liking” the Delaware DMV.

She smiled.

Then we had sex.

(not really, but I thought that this post was lacking spice.)

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (17)

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  1. Another Mike says:

    It’s much, much better than in the past, but let’s not go overboard.

  2. jason330 says:

    But I only have two settings. Overboard and WFO (way f*cking overboard).

  3. Idealist says:

    I gotta agree with you Jason, I’ve had very positive DMV experiences recently.

    I love how the single-payer bill is 1) being compared to Obama-care (which isn’t anything close to resembling single-payer) and 2) being called Markell-Care by Republicans (I guess we can’t accuse Republicans of being creative).

  4. puck says:

    The sign is a hoax – it’s spelled correctly.

  5. anon says:

    I’m enjoying the progression of thought – first comes the health care coverage for everyone, then then the next thing you know teh gays will be getting married!

    The bill has zero to do with Markell, so the sign gets an “F” for accuracy, but it does get an “A+” for spelling.

  6. Dave says:

    For those who haven’t had the privilege of using a DMV in other states, I can compare DE DMV to NY, CA, and VA and I will tell you that there is no comparison. None, zilch, zippo, nada. The DE DMV (Sussex County at least) is the most efficient operation in terms of customer service I have ever seen. Imagine my shock with a drive in inspection, single trip, painless (well except for the transfer tax) system with everything done in one trip.

    I’m not sure what DMV the person with the sign is referring to but my guess is they didn’t read the instructions before they went and did not bring the necessary documentation that was required.

    The only glitch was that I was forced to register as “unaffiliated” rather than “independent” but hey that was a small matter.

  7. SussexWatcher says:

    That’s because the iPOD idiots lay claim to that word, sowing endless intentional confusion.

  8. Frank says:

    I must say I didn’t have any complaints about the Del. DMV when I lived there. There weren’t always friendly and outgoing, but, heck, all you have to do to understand that is sit in the waiting room and see what they have to deal with for their lousy state employee wages.

    Their customers would wipe the smile off my face too.

  9. Dana Garrett says:

    DE DMV does an excellent job. Only libertarians and other doctrinaire government-haters think it’s blasphemy to acknowledge it.

  10. cassandra m says:

    I’ve always been well treated by the DMV in DE. The longest time I may have spent in one of their offices was when I moved here, trying to get a new licence and re-register my car in the same go.

  11. Roland D. LeBay says:

    I agree about DMV for the most part. However it would be nice if the state posted the inspection manual online as PA does. I hate arguing with uninformed/misinformed inspection lane personnel.

    I notice no one here has commented on the sole legitimate gripe of the sign maker–DelDOT. DelDOT is a cesspool, and Markell hasn’t done enough to clean it up.

  12. MJ says:

    Compared to the DC DMV, DE DMV is nirvana.

  13. SussexWatcher says:

    Roland B. LeDumbshit,

    You mean like this?


    I found it by googling “Delaware vehicle inspection manual.” Imagine that!

  14. Andy says:

    Lets see a new DELDOT Secretary who has done some house cleaning Cleaned up various practices including financial in which missing money was found. I would say progress has been made. It takes a while to clean a cess pool

  15. Geezer says:

    ” DelDOT is a cesspool, and Markell hasn’t done enough to clean it up.”

    And yet he is the first one who has done anything to clean it up.

  16. Jason330 says:

    Libertarian Robot: All the positive vibes for the Delware DMV on thread do not compute.

  17. kavips says:

    Government service is always awesome under Democrats, and always terrible under Republicans. DMV included. Tell me, how could that always be? It is the same in every state.

    Must be something seriously wrong with Republican leadership. 🙂