Romney taking a beating on secret offshore accounts and unwillingness to disclose tax into

Filed in National by on July 11, 2012

This has to end poorly for Romney. He is hemorrhaging support in some key swing states, so he is either going to have to try and continue riding out the pummeling, or he is going to have to disclose his taxes and reveal the sources and purposes of his secret offshore accounts.

My sense is that riding it out is Romney’s favored course of action, but we’ll have to see how long he can hold off his advisers on that front. In the meantime, Team Obama can continue to hammer away. Ultimately, when Romney does come clean about the secret accounts, the press will get to connect the dots between the tax shelters and Romney’s business practices which have more in common with mafia style “bust outs” than they have with an actual productive business.

For anyone who missed the classic Soprano’s episode on the practice, wikipedia defines “bust out” like so:

A “bust out” is a common tactic in the organized crime world, wherein a business’ assets and lines of credit are exploited and exhausted to the point of bankruptcy.

Sound familiar?

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

Comments (15)

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  1. puck says:

    Romney booed at NAACP

    … but you have to give him credit for showing up.

    To create jobs, he said, “I am going to eliminate every non-essential expensive program I can find. That includes Obamacare.” His comments were met with extended boos from the audience.

  2. X Stryker says:

    So to create jobs, he’s going to cut jobs. War is Peace, Austerity is Prosperity, Corporations are People, etc. Boo to cognitive dissonance.

  3. Rusty Dils says:

    Its all over now, they have gone and woken up the bear.
    Here is the latest info on Out sourcer and Chief Barack Obama

    Sununu on Outsourcing: “I’m President Obama and I approve this DISHONEST message

  4. Rusty Dils says:

    Puck, you and the other 100 million idiots that watched the feed on Romney being booed at the Naacp forgot to do one thing, watch his complete 23 minute speech. You only watched the 33 seconds where he was booed for stating he would repeal obama care, but if you watch the complete 23 minute speech you will see it was brilliant, much applause, and organ playing at applause lines, brilliant, but you won’t ever watch it because you are a stupid liberal idiot

  5. puck says:

    Well, they did boo the Republican top priority, so that counts a little more than apple-pie and motherhood applause lines.

    I’ve lost many minutes of my life trying to spot the brilliance in Romney speeches. Fool me twice, shame on me.

  6. X Stryker says:

    Rusty, if I wanted to listen to someone lie, I’d watch Ghost Hunters.

  7. Rusty Dils says:

    In January 1980, ABC News and Harris Survey’s released the following headline – Carter Now Far Ahead of Both Reagan and Bush, with the introduction statement: “President Carter so dominates the American political scene now that his margin over Ronald Reagan in a post-Iowa trial heat has risen to an overwhelming 65-31 percent. And against George [HW] Bush, the GOP candidate who finished first in the recent Iowa caucuses, Carter leads by only a slightly lower 62-32 percent.”

  8. cassandra m says:

    Romney and the NAACP organ. Hysterical.

    And can you spot the teleprompters Rmoney is clearly using? Gasp!

    I did see the entire speech and what applause there was was mostly polite. You can’t say that folks in the NAACP don’t have manners. And apparently the hall might have been 2/3 full. Lots of empty seats.

  9. puck says:

    Like they say – Romney won’t go back.

  10. socialistic ben says:

    Rusty, you jumped the gun talking point.
    The right wing is also only focusing on the booing because the NAACP is a hate group and Obama will let them control the gun take-back in his second term after everyone with an NRA membership is arrested and married to a dude. only men are in the NRA, right? better be.

  11. V says:

    Dear NAACP Organ Player,

    Please be my best friend.


  12. puck says:

    “Carter leads by only a slightly lower 62-32 percent.””

    Yeah, but we were naive back then. Reagan lied to us that we could cut taxes, increase defense spending, and balance the budget; and with a topping of deregulation all our boats would be lifted. And dummies ate it up. And then when Bush pulled the same stunt in 2000, we pulled his finger and got what we deserved again.

    So now when Romney comes around peddling the same trickle-down crap, we know better. It took a while, but we got hit by the trickle-down bat enough times that maybe some of us are starting to get a clue.

  13. puck says:

    Romney is getting tagged early on as awkward and inept. There’s no recovering from that. Now I’m wondering when he will shake up his campaign staff.

  14. Jason330 says:

    Invoking the ghost of Reagan isn’t going to help Romney’s numbers.

    Also, why is the NAACP keeping the convetions of the 1930’s radio drama alive?

  15. jj says:

    amazing the comments..NRA and Obama taking do know that the reason you can take a weapon if liscensed into a park is because of OBAMA.what has Obama done that is so bad..Bin Laden dead..Iraq war over..Bush lost over 5oo,ooo jobs per month last 5 month 825,000.(30)months of job growth(OBMA)-4.4 mil total jobs.Health Care law will lower people with insurance premiums..if you have insurance it will not change your policy and now insurance companies can not drop you (prexisting condition).GM #1 auto maker in the world..make under 250,000 you will benefit from his policies..GOP wants no regulations which caused the financial collapse,and expects people to vote for a guy who will not show us the standard ten year tax returns and tells us he retired from a company,but received income and was the CEO on SEC records.Ten years of Clinton surplus..10 years of Bush..a war we had no business in..economic collapse.Obama gets all of this and is turning things around,but not fast enough for the people that caused all of the problems..unreal.Tax return ,no tax return ,either way Mitt is done.only going to get worst and how could the GOP ,put Mitt up as the face of the GOp..wait they did put up Palin