Delaware connected, Steve Schmidt at center of Romney tax tealeaf reading

Filed in National by on July 13, 2012

TPM’s Brian Beutler reminds the world that Romney has turned over 20 years worth of tax info. He turned it over the the McCain campaign when being vetted for VP. So there is someone out there who knows exactly how damaging the disclosure of the Romney tax returns could be.

Romney’s Big Tax Return Tell

Romney’s Big Tax Return Tell

Brian Beutler July 13, 2012, 12:33 PM 8921

So a lot of Republicans wish Mitt Romney would just get it over with and release several years of tax returns. If you want evidence that Romney’s drowning in the Bain deluge, there it is. His allies think a complete accounting is his only lifeline.

But only a tiny circle of people really know if that’s true. And for my money the one to watch is Steve Schmidt.

Remember, in the VP vetting process Romney gave the McCain campaign over 20 years of tax returns. Schmidt ran that campaign and my hunch is he has the best combination of political smarts and actual knowledge of what’s in the returns to make the call.

Six months ago, he didn’t think it was worth it. Here’s what he said on MSNBC in January:

I think that he`s the front-runner in the race. I think he`s the most likely person to be the nominee of the party. And I would never advise him to disadvantage himself with issues like his taxes, against what is precedent for campaigns.I think that he will probably do what presidents and vice presidents typically have done with regard to the release of their taxes. But if it was good enough for John Kerry, it ought to be good enough for Mitt Romney. He shouldn`t release information that disadvantages himself and opens up a lot of attacks.

I could be wrong about this. But if Schmidt cries uncle, I think we’ll have reached the point where the attacks Romney’s weathering right now are more harmful than what’s in those returns. And the fact that we haven’t reached that point yet suggests they’re full of ugly stuff.

About the Author ()

Jason330 is a deep cover double agent working for the GOP. Don't tell anybody.

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  1. Romney, McCain, and Palin - City-Data Forum | July 15, 2012
  1. puck says:

    So whatever is in Romney’s tax returns is worse than Sarah Palin?

  2. jason330 says:

    Can you imagine?

  3. cassandra_m says:

    Gov. Martin O’Malley is all that:

    “But why would you pick somebody — why would you pick Palin over Romney?” he asked.
    “His failure to release those is a bit of an implicit admission of…guilt,” he added, portraying Romney’s own individual wealth as the result of the trickle-down theories he advocates for the rest of the country. “There might not be anything illegal about any of it, but it’s certainly not a good economic theory — unless you’re a Romney.”

  4. jason330 says:

    I’m loving me some Martin O’

  5. cassandra_m says:

    dKos is holding a Google Hangout with Governor O’Malley tomorrow at 4 our time. Might be good to check it out and encourage more like this.

  6. jason330 says:

    “Harry Reid yesterday asserted on the Senate floor that Mitt Romney paid no taxes at all for years:

    His father, George Romney, set the precedent that people running for president would file their tax returns, let everybody look at them. But Mitt Romney can’t do that because he’s basically paid no taxes in the prior 12 years.
