DISCLOSE Act Vote Tonight

Filed in National by on July 16, 2012

The full name is Democracy Is Strengthened by Casting Light On Spending in Elections (DISCLOSE) Act. It is meant to rebalance the books that have been utterly upended by Citizen’s United, allowing unlimited spending by corporations. As specifically allowed for in Justice Kennedy’s majority opinion for Citizen’s United, nothing stops Congress from asking for greater transparency for those donations.

Except Congress itself is stopping it. There was a vote to demand more disclosure — one that specifically exempted the NRA (stupid) — in 2010 that failed by one vote. There is a new Disclosure Act (sponsored by Chris Coons among others), that would (according to Coons’ site):

The DISCLOSE Act requires companies and other organizations to tell the Federal Elections Commission each time they spend more than $10,000 to influence an election directly or donating to another organization.

DISCLOSE doesn’t bar donations or restrict spending, it takes the mystery out of the corporate political money game, and asks organizations to conduct political business in front of America’s voters.

Sheldon Whitehouse introduced this new DISCLOSURE act Chris is asking people to be a citizen co-sponsor of this bill here.

Republicans have promised to filibuster this bill and apparently the Dem plan is to let the Republicans block debate on the motion to proceed to the bill. Democrats will then hold the floor in an all-nighter session in an attempt to get another vote on Tuesday.

Chris is clearly on board, but definitely call his office to support him and call Carper’s office to be sure he supports this. Republicans somehow think that disclosing big donors subjects them to some undue scrutiny and inconvenience. Remind these guys that while they may have free speech rights, they’ve no entitlement to secret speech.


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"You don't make progress by standing on the sidelines, whimpering and complaining. You make progress by implementing ideas." -Shirley Chisholm

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  1. bamboozer says:

    Corporations shelling out big political bucks are scared investors and share holders won’t like what thier doing with the company’s money, and rightly so. Expect the Republicans to fight this one to the finish, they know that the harsh light of day may well scare off big, hidden doners and end part of thier Citizens United windfall.

  2. Andrew Groff says:

    It is refreshing to see Chris Coons fighting for openness and support of the everyday American for a change. Although this act falls well short of removing money as free speech and corporations as people it is at-least a step in the right direction. Although I would like to believe that corporations and special interests would opt to remain anonymous in Citizens United-style super pac activities, I suspect that even given transparency laws they will continue to spend vast amounts of money influencing political outcomes while it is still legal to do so. Please sign the Move to Amend petition on the link provided in the “Regular Americans Losing Their Political Voice” thread.

  3. Research Shop says:

    Carper is a cosponsor of the bill. Great research efforts.


  4. cassandra_m says:

    Thanks Research Shop, or is it JTF?

    I didn’t do much research for this one, largely working from Chris Coons’ notice. But then, it isn’t too often that we find Carper on the side of the good guys for legislation like this.